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Posts posted by Jen

  1. Just bring up the subject nice and easy. Just watch her...if you do see her getting bored and uninterested in what you are saying, then just bring up the conversation you had with her. Ask her if that showing an interest in what you are interested in is truly what she wants to do. Watch her actions. Actions speak louder than words.

    Here's another suggestion that you may want to try. The solution may be to explore different interests, like a new activity, that both of you have never thought of before. If you keep an open mind, you may surprise yourself. Also, that puts you both on even ground, and you both may find something to have a deep lengthy conversation about.



  2. Honey, you ain't the problem!!! To tell you the truth, you aren't going to fix this problem either. This is something that can't be fixed unless she takes an active part in your relationship. In the communication part, that is. Try talking to her. Tell her EXACTLY how you feel about this. If you get the same song and dance with her not being interested in what you're saying, she may not be the right girl for you. She's gotta make the change and try to make the relationship better.



  3. She's cheated on you once, what's to say that if she gets another chance, she'll do any differently?? I believe in the saying, "Once a cheater, always a cheater." I also believe that people can change, but if she says she needs time to "explore" her other relationship, she ain't done with him yet. It's obviously happened once, it can happen again.



  4. I agree completely with Connor. I started my very first relationship when I was 19 myself. I am now 25 and I am still with the same person. We've been together for very close to 4 1/2 years.

    I completely believe that there is somebody for everybody. I thought that before I met my boyfriend, I'd be single forever. I'm shy when it comes to talking to guys. I've had guy friends, but no boyfriends. I thought if I didn't say anything to a guy, the guys would never even take a second look at me. Then there he was...one of the sweetest, nicest guys you could ever meet. We met through a friend, but he did most of the talking. Somebody especially for me. You'll feel it when the right one comes along.



  5. Hi. First of all, I would just like to let you know that I do not wish for this to sound harsh or sarcastic at all, and I do not mean it to come accross like that, if it does.

    There are a lot of "What If" questions that you do need to be asking yourself right now. Like for instance, what if we do meet, what could happen? What if my wife were to find out about this? What will happen if my wife finds out about this?? What will happen to my marriage? What about the kids? The list goes on, and on, and on.

    From the way you described it, it seems that this 18 year old is having problems making up her own mind. First she tells you that she can't bear to be apart from you, then she tells you that she pretty much doesn't want to have anything to do with you. She hasn't even met you.....how does she know that she can't be apart from you??

    Before you get yourself into anything that you may regret doing, please think long and hard about the consequences and what could happen. Is this something that you really want to persue??



  6. What I can tell you is that if the shot is anything like the pill, be careful if you need to go on antibiotics for anything. With the pill, the antibiotics weaken the pill's effectiveness for up to 2 weeks after stopping the antibiotics. I strongly recommend using a different type of birth control during this time.



  7. Don't feel bad, I'm 25 and 5'2". I know I'll never grow anymore. Think of it this way, we're short....there's no need to worry about hitting our heads on any kind of door frame or anything like that. Dynomite comes in small packages, but packs a huge punch. Hehehe!!



  8. Here's what I would do....you can take it or leave it. I'm a very shy person as well. Heck I probably wouldn't be going out with my boyfriend if he hadn't have said anything to me. If you talk to her on MSN, just tell her straight out that you like her. You've got nothing to lose. You may even find out that she likes you too.



  9. In a matter of speaking, do what your heart tells you to do. If you seriously want to get married, then get married. Think about it long and hard. You said that you can't take anymore of it. If you get married, it'll continue. Does he know how you feel about this?? What would happen if you were to sit him down, and tell him how you feel?? Talk to him, confront him. See what he has to say about this.



  10. Thanks for your opinions. See, I feel that I am very lucky to have him in my life. He's the type of guy that wants to have the deep conversations, the kind that most girls want, the kind that most girls would love to have in a guy. However, right now I feel that I can't give that to him cause I don't know how to communicate on that level. Heck, I have problems making up my mind on what I want to eat, let alone getting into something that deep. I am very willing to do whatever it takes to learn how to communicate on the level that he wants.



  11. Well, it's just like the subject says....I have a communication problem. I've been going out/living with my boyfriend for 4 1/2 years now. I guess all along I've had a communication problem, but it hasn't been until the past year (approx) that he has actually told me that I don't know how to communicate properly. Does anyone have any suggestions on proper communication skills??



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