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Posts posted by olderthanu

  1. we can have several soul mates in life. People to whom ours souls are naturally drawn to, and they will stay linked through eternity. A soul mate can also be your best friend, not necessarily the opposite sex.


    Now twin souls, thats another story....


    i have been looking into the subject, simply because i couldn't understand why i should be so drawn to someone that is not my type. His weakness's are my strengths and vica versa, thus making a whole, complimenting each other.


    We are still together and linked as strongly as ever.


    Deviousj are you still following this as i would love to know the out come??

  2. i was divorced in may of this year, but the thought came into my head 4 years before, but i tried and i tried to make it work, until i ran out of ideas.

    the fact was that it simply wasn't going to work out. i had become nothing, "i" no longer exsisted.


    We only get one life, i didn't want to spend the rest of my life feeling like that, it was still not a choice i made lightly.


    i didnt feel guilty, as i know i tried my best and me and the children are alot happier now. (they now have a real dad, because he now makes time for them, and a more contented mum has to healthier)


    what i did feel was anger, that i had wasted so much of my life. i am over that now and am 100% convinced it was the right choice for all of us

  3. if you are happy as you are other than the marriage issue, carry on.


    marriage is only a very expensive piece of paper at the end of the day, you can be commited to each other without it.


    if this issue is just one of many, then move on, there is always someone else out there for all of us.


    And yes i did find a great guy whilst i was at my lowest, going through a divorce. He is the one i have waited my whole life for!


    Do what feels most right to you, and dont worry too much about the future, the future will happen whether you worry about it or not!


    Good luck with whatever choice you make

  4. i have never believed in love and it came as a massive shock to me to find myself actually in love.


    i was just going through the proccess of divorce and my ex hadn't moved out yet, i was looking forward to being single and didn't want or need anyone else in my life, thats when it happened


    my ex husband had left me with a very low self esteem and nearly 0 confidence, my new partner has given me a sense of self worth, simply by loving me as i am, flaws and all, and i now feel good about myself.

    I know i am not perfect but i am still lovable.



  5. i pined for an ex for 18 months, we did meet up and went on a date, i also wanted to show him i wasn't the same person as i was then.

    At the end of the evening when he kissed me goodnight i realised there was nothing there anymore, because i wasn't the same person. What a waste of 18 months!


    going backward very rarely ever works out!


    That is because life and time move on, move on with it!

  6. i too have suffered from depression, not severely, but enough to affect my life and family.

    So i sat down and took a long hard look at myself, and was very critical. i worked out what made me happy and what made me unhappy.

    i made alot of changes, some quite drastic, changed jobs a few times, until i found one i loved and now i think i can say that i am happy.

    i still get the odd few days that i am down, but generally life is much, much better.


    you have seen the person you are capable of being and you liked it, that is you being like that, not her, so you can be that person again.


    She is now one of those things to be written in the making you unhappy column.


    you are strong enough to talk about your problems, so you are definitely strong enough to come through this, and come out the other side even stronger



  7. i spent my whole life not believing love exsisted, only in songs and films etc. Never the romantic, never slushy, never over emotional.

    until last year....

    a friend of a friend gave us a lift home, he is not my type and i wouldn't have looked at him twice normally. When i reached over to give him a quick kiss to say thank you for the lift, that was it, i didnt know what hit me.


    we were engaged within 7 weeks and he is my soul mate, the part of me that has been missing all my life. i feel complete when i am with him. i know when he is thinking of me and when he is going to call or text, and i know when he needs me and vica versa.

    We have had strangers, on more than one occasson, coming up to us and saying how wonderful it is to see two people so in love.


    i sound like a love sick teenager but i turned 40 last week, i never thought it possible at my age, so dont ever give up hope.

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