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Posts posted by jessikate

  1. talk to you insurance company, definitely. if you have comprehensive coverage, you will have to pay your deductible, but it will cover part of theft. the garage is probably not going to be held responsible... look for postings on the wall that say just that. if there are no postings, then you may have a case.

  2. Stephanie, unless otherwise stated in some sort of will, the child will most likely become a ward of the court and they will decide who is most fit to take on custody. I hope that helps! I would get a second opinion, though. (I'm not too sure... but I think I'm right...)

  3. Hello all. I have a question. Since right before Christmas, my employer has NOT paid me on time. It has always been an average of 4-5 days AFTER payday... and when payday comes along, my boss just so happens to have a lot of "all day" meetings, and he's never in the office. Does anyone know the laws on matters like these? I have points on my credit now because of this... bills didn't get paid on time, and some even bounced. I can't afford to not get paid on time. Help

  4. I say ask her out one more time, and if she says, "I'll call you"... say, "no, I'll call you." and then you call her that night, instead of waiting for something you're pretty sure won't happen. You can even make a "sort of" joke about it and tell her she always says that and never calls. If that doesn't work out, I say forget it. Giver her your number and if she wants to call you, she will. Otherwise, go out with someone who won't play yo-yo with you. That's my opinion.

  5. From my personal experience, no height does not matter. I used to think it does, until I found my current boyfriend/friend...(whatever he calls himself to me) Because of his personality I gave him a chance, and I don't regret it one bit. Although we are going through some drama right now (who isn't?), I still care very much for him, and whatever happens we'll remain friends. So.. to answer your question. NO... height doesn't matter. Just be yourself. Besides... you're not really short anyways. Good luck to you!


  6. Sandy, that's a hard one. It's hard because you don't want to change that wonderful friendship you have, but at the same time, you do. I say wait it out for a little while. Give him time to think about what you said. Sometimes guys take forever to come to any conclusions. In the meantime, do go out with other people. It will keep your mind off of him, if anything. Whatever you do, don't push him. He'll come around when he's ready. I hope that helps a little!

  7. I just want to thank you all. Even if this whole thing doesn't work out, you have all made me feel so much better and made this yucky time in my life a little easier. It's also nice to know that there's other people out there feeling the same way I am... like I'm not alone. (hence, "enotalone"... duh) So thanks, again. I'll keep you all posted. I'm sure I'll need more feedback at some point!

  8. Wow. Do yourself a favor. Take some time away from her. If she shows up or wants to... tell her to go away. (I suppose in nicer words) She may be dealing with something in her life, or in her head that is making her act that way, but right now you don't need it. Unless you want to give it one last try to actually sit and TALK to her calmly about what's going on... but that doesn't seem likely at this point. The crappy pent up helpless sad feeling that you lost someone you love feeling won't go away if she keeps coming around and fighting with you. (although, it may make it easier because you'll start to not like her at all... ) I just say stay away from her. You seem like a really cool person and like the rest of us here in this sad little virtual land you need time for yourself. Things will work out the way the are supposed to (geez, I've heard that many, many times...). Go be a reckless guy for a while.

  9. OH... no no.. he didn't mean it like that. We call each other dork and whatnot... Believe me, if he meant it to hurt me I'd hurt him back.

    But that's why I'm confused. It's as if nothing ever happened. Like, "everything's ok, we're going to the movies like we usually do". Oh my goodness, the last thing I want to do is go out with someone that's mean! That's the problem, though. He's such a wonderful person that the thought of losing someone like him not only eats away at my heart, it makes me feel like I'll never find anyone like him again. In fact, I don't even want to.

  10. She is sadly confused in the head. You were right to get out when you did. (although the deed had already been done earlier) I'm having the same sort of problem. Well, not to the extreme you are, but still. My ex emailed me and asked if I wanted to go to a movie. I said yes, although I probably shouldn't have. Either way, you need to get away from her for a while. Let her figure things out herself. If she calls you, great. If she doesn't... good times. You won't have to hear her talk about how she'll never have sex with you again while you're having sex. When you're in "healing" mode, the last thing you need is mixed signal woman. I hope that helped. Good luck!

  11. For those who have read my last posting entitled "this is so hard", here's an update. I'd really appreciate any comments or advice!

    As you know, I was dumped for no reason. Our relationship was good, no fights, always had fun, good times... anyways he decided it was over. So the last I heard from him was a phone call asking if I was doing ok, etc... I didn't hear from him for about a week and a half after that. Well, the other day I got an email. This is literally what it said...

    "Hi, dork. I hope things are going well. Wanna catch a flick next week? If so let me know."

    That's it. Now I'm overwhelmed by all these emotions of hope, and then at the same time I don't want to get my hopes up. Lord knows I don't need another heartbreak. I don't think I could handle another one at this point. (as I just found out my mom may have lymphoma... ) But at the same time, I know myself. If I don't go, I'll drive myself crazy wondering what "would have" happened. I already emailed him back saying I would go... but I suppose backing out at the last minute is an option, as lame as that is. So that leaves me where I am now. Confused, tired, hopeful, doubtful, irritated. Why am I letting this guy get to me so much? AHHH!! Please advise. So far the only thing I can come up with is to hide under a bridge somewhere and never come out.

  12. Girl I know how you feel. I turn red whenever my boyfriend even mentions another girl that he WORKS with, let alone knows. It is early in your relationship, though, so I don't think he's quite proven himself to you yet. If you're like me, it takes a while to trust someone. What I've found that helps me is to focus more on the friendship more than anything else. Because if this is the person you spend the rest of your life with, you'll want him to be your best friend first, and lover second. (I hate the word lover, but I couldn't think of another one.) As time goes on, you will see, feel, touch, and smell this happening. If it doesn't work out, then it doesn't work out. You have a long road ahead of you in terms of relationships. There will be ups and downs. The key is to take it like a "man". So let's go back to my original advice, as to not confuse the he** out of you. Be his friend. The rest will fall into place.

  13. You're right, actions do speak louder than words. You can do one of two things. The first... talk to him. He obviously thinks of you as a friend, as he cried on your shoulder after breaking up with someone. He thereforeeeeeee knows you are there for him. That is good. Now, knowing that the road of friendship goes two ways... it's his turn to be there for you. You can tell him that.

    The second may be a little more dissappointing to hear. If I've learned anything in this world, it's to trust your gut feeling. If you really feel something's not right, then chances are something isn't right. Again, the only way you will find out is to call him on it. Put him on the spot. The advice I have at this point is to be strong. There is someone out there that will give you the trust and respect you deserve. Someone that will share every part of his life with you, as you would with him. Again, relationships are a two-way highway. Sometimes you just have to travel that distance and live through the bumps in the road before you get there. (believe me... I've been over some big fat ones!)

  14. Have you talked to your husband about this? If not, you should. It's not going to change your father-in-law, but it may relieve a little tension in your marriage.

    This sounds a bit like my mom's relationship with my dad's parents. She has never been completely excepted in their home. It has proved to be very hurtful to her during the 30 years they have been married, but at the same time, there's really nothing she can do about it. (not only that, at Christmas time she would give my cousins the most wonderful gifts, and my brother and I got pencils for school.) My dad knows her feelings, and all he can really do is stick up for her. That is why you should tell your husband. He needs to stand up for you, if necessary. You could talk to your father-in-law until you're blue in the face, but I honestly don't think it will do any good. Your husband, on the other hand, may do some good. At least get him to treat your son like a human.

    Don't worry about the 28 year old son that he treats better. He probably feels like the guy is still dependant on him and in a sick little way that gives him satisfaction. It's your family unit you need to work on. Ok, I hope I've helped more than confused you. (?) Good luck!

  15. I think you should definitely sit and talk to him about it. You've invested two years of your life in this guy, and you deserve at least an explanation. Maybe he's embarrassed by them for one reason or another. Or, maybe there's a committment issue lying around somewhere. (if you meet his parents, than that means you really are in a serious relationship) I remember this one guy I was dating introduced me to his dad, and daddy decided right away that he didn't like me. He wouldn't talk to me. If he wanted to say something to me, he'd tell my ex... RIGHT IN FRONT OF ME... like I wasn't even there. Nice, huh? What I'm saying is, maybe you don't want to meet his parents after all. (although that is an extreme case... ) Whatever the case... take him to a nice quite coffee shop, sit him down, and calmly explain to him how you are feeling. Maybe suggest that you all go to dinner, or lunch. Even if he doesn't respond right away... it will be in his head. He WILL think about it. I hope this helps and good luck!

  16. You know, these days, with the economy the way it is, I'm surprised there aren't more people worried the way you are. It's good that you are saving your money, keep it up! I only have two suggestions. The first is time management. You simply must set aside time for your family and boyfriend, and most importantly yourself. It's for your own emotional stability. Maybe even take one day a week where you don't do anything. Time management can be tricky, but once you get a schedule worked out, you get used to it pretty quick. The second suggestion is this. Why don't you start some sort of retirement account? Start an IRA. You put away a few dollars a month into this account, and over time it grows, tax deferred. By the time you're ready to retire, you will have a goldmine. At least this way, you'll have piece of mind that the money you are saving is, number one, THERE, and number two, it's working for you. At your age this is the perfect time to start something like that. (by the way... you don't HAVE to wait until retirement to take the money out... you can do it sooner. the only thing is that there will be tax penalties) Let me know if you have any questions. You can email me at email removed. I hope this helps!! In the meantime, don't worry so much. You're doing just fine.

  17. First of all, this is nothing new. I had a boyfriend, he broke up with me. The only difference from any past experience I've had is that it usually takes me two, maybe three days to get over this sort of thing. So far it's been two weeks. I've cried myself to sleep every single night, I don't think I've slept an entire night yet. All I do at work is think about him.. why he would do such a thing right before Valentine's Day. I just don't understand what is happening. There was nothing wrong in our relationship. We never argued. We made each other laugh all the time. We gave each other advice. He was my friend. Then he hits me with "I don't know if I love you yet". Being that it has only been about 5 months, I wasn't surprised. I figured this was something that would grow out of our friendship. I expressed that. He sat there silently listening while I talked. His silence made me grasp at anything, just for a response. His mind was made up. There was nothing I could do. After about an hour... I kid you not... an HOUR of staring at each other and then at the floor, I asked him why. He looked at me and said he didn't know. I asked him if I did anything. He said no. He then went on and listed all the things he likes about me. He said there's nothing he doesn't like about me. Then he said that if he had to make the decision that night, he would choose to end the relationship. That was it. He gave me a big hug and left. I have never felt so helpless in my life. All this happened in a matter of a weekend. On friday, he was a tiny bit distant... but I figured it was in my head. Saturday, he called me like normal, but we both went out with our own friends. Ladies night-boys night. Sunday we went to eat, but I felt a strange tension. He didn't reach for my hand like he normally would have. Monday it was over. I don't know what to do. He called me a few days later to ask me if I was ok. We talked about general stuff for about a half hour, and that was the last I heard of him. What's worse is that I finally let him in my heart about a week before all this happened. I finally talked myself into putting all my trust in him. I finally admitted to myself that I love him. And now this. Why would somebody do that to someone they called their best friend? That's what hurts me most. I feel so betrayed! This sucks. I really want to contact him, but I feel like I shouldn't. Does anyone have any advice? I'm sorry this was so long.. I just needed to get all that out, I guess. Thanks for reading it. HELP!!

  18. This is harder than I thought. I was going to say that I know how you feel.... I'm alone, too. I was dumped on Valentine's Day... ok, not ON Valentine's Day. But close enough. Every single day since I've cried myself to sleep. I've listened to people say that I'll be ok in a few days... just give it time... time is the best healer. Which is true. But those are just words when you're feeling like total crap. And I'm sure these are all just words to you now. I will say this, though. I considered killing myself, too. First I wanted to starve myself and let "him" watch me slowly fade away, hoping he would feel sorry for me and then "save" me. Then I realized that wasn't going to happen, and I tried to think of a quicker way to do it. All this time, I was only thinking about how it would affect my ex. All this time, the only thing I cared about was hurting him. What I didn't realize is that he would not be the only person hurt. I started to think about my parents, and my brother, and the few friends that I do have. Please reach out to the people closest to you... and if you don't feel like you have anyone close to you please consider what mermayd suggested in contacting a suicide help line. And if worse comes to worse, you can always reply to me.

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