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Posts posted by InLoveAndConfused

  1. My girlfriend is in Highschool and I am in college. We about about an hour and a half away, I see her on weekends. We have been together for 2+ years and have had a LDR since the end of August. I think if you really love each other you guys will be able to work everything out. Me and my gf have our ups and downs (as you might read in my other post). I sometimes worry about whether she will find someone else. Thats why you gotta talk when her a lot, you know? Just make sure everything is alright. Thats the best way to avoid problems: talking. I am sure you will be able to work things out, its not impossible to do. It may seem hard at times but you will get through it. If you want to contact me on AIM or something let me know, I am pretty much in the same boat as you. Maybe we can help each other, hehe. Hope everything goes well.

  2. I am up at college and my girlfriend is still in high school. I usually see her on the weekends, but I dont see her during the week. I know this might not be a real long distance relationship compared to other people. Anyway, she usually calls me after school for 10-15 minutes around 2, maybe one more time in the late afternoon, and then again around 10pm. Tonight she called me for 10 minutes and then she said she wanted to go because she wanted to watch TV. I got upset because I enjoy talking to her and it kind of hurts to hear that she would rather watch tv than talk to me. She then tells me that she is just trying to take her mind off of me because she gets depressed when I am not there. I dont know about everyone else, but isnt "taking your mind off someone" kind of similar to forgetting about them? I told her that instead of working on taking her mind off of me, she should instead try to accept the fact that I am not there and still talk to me because thats the only way this long distance thing can work. Am I like totally wrong about this? Is talking to my girlfriend for more than 10 minutes too much to ask for? Am I being selfish or something?

  3. I have found that no contact works best. When me and my girlfriend broke up, I told her that I think it would be best if we didnt talk to or see each other anymore, she broke down and told me that she couldnt picture herself with out me. After about a week of no contact we got back together.


    I think no contact allows the other person to really see what they lost. Cuz I was originally talking to my girlfriend for a bit and helping her after we broke up, but things werent improving for us, so I just stopped talking to her and then she realized she really wanted to be with me and we got back together.

  4. I have been going out with my girlfriend for over two years. In mid october, we broke up because she liked this other guy and she wanted to go out with him or something to see what it was like. Two weeks after we broke up because she said she realized she made a mistake and she really wanted to be with me. We ended up getting back together


    Later on in the beginning of December, we broke up again because she was confused over who she wanted. We rushed into things when we got back together before and she told me she just needed time alone to think things through. After about a week, we got back together and told me she made her final decision, although she still had feelings for him.


    Things have been going good since, but she is still friends with that guy. It hurts so much when I know shes talking with him online cuz I know they like each other. She tells me she would never go back to him and that I need to trust her. I do trust her, but I mean, i trusted her the two times before too. Im confused now. Dont get me wrong, I love her to death and everything, more now than ever, it just hurts knowing she is talking with him, cuz I dont know whats going on. Maybe they are just having a normal conversation for all I know, but after everything that has happened, im always going to wonder. I dont really know what I am asking in this post, I guess I just want to know if anyone else has a similar problem, and if so, how they deal with their bf/gf talking to someone else who they like. Is it heathly for our relationship? I told her tonight about how it bothers me, but she just reassured me she loves me and wants to be with me. The hard thing about this is that I am in college while she and this other guy are in high school. I see her on the weekends (and a month for xmas), but she is always with him. Its just a horrible feeling knowing she talks to him and likes him, and I just want to know if anyone can help me find a way to get over it or has advice as to what I can do.

  5. I just thought I would post a little update to my situation.


    After being broken up for two weeks, her rebound relationship failed and we are now back together. We seem a lot closer than ever before. Things seem to be working out. Its kind of like that quote "You never realize how much you love someone until their gone", and thats pretty much how we both felt.


    Thanks for the responses.

  6. My original story can be found at link removed


    Im not even sure if this is even considered a rebound relationship. The main reason we broke up is because she had feelings for another guy. 4 days after we broke up, she started to date him. From what I can see, it seems like she really likes him. But, what are the odds of a relationship working that was started 4 days after a two year relationship ended? I mean, does it just seem like she likes him so much because he's different and she can try new things? Once this "newness" wears off, do you think she would regret it or something? I mean, we werent really fighting when we broke up, everything seemed perfect the day before. I guess what I am trying to ask is.... do you think I would have a chance at getting back with her? Also, what are the odds her relationship will last?

  7. Thanks, im probably not even going to see her. I am at college and she doesnt go here, I only saw her on weekends. I also think we broke up because she needs someone with her all the time and I couldnt be there for her all the time.


    You are right, if she came running back, I would go out with her in a heartbeat. But as time goes on, I will probably not want to. It just hurts to know she is with another guy right now. Words cant really describe what I am going through, it just sucks, it really does. I know I will have to give it time, its only been a few weeks, but I am so impatient. I have so much free time up here and I cant to anything except thing about her and what I could have done to make things better.


    Thanks for the advice everyone!

  8. Hey,


    Thanks for the advice. I am not really talking to her, and when she tries to talk to me, I just tell her to go talk to her boyfriend. From what I hear she is pretty upset that I wont talk to her and she still needs me there to talk to cuz she cant talk to her boyfriend.


    Im probably not going to talk to her for a week or so so she can see things when I am not by her side all the time, cuz I was even there for her after we broke up.



  9. Ahh, i've bet you heard this story a million times....


    I had a girlfriend, we went out for over two years. We recently broke up because we were kind of fighting and because she started to like another guy. 4 days after we broke up, I find that she is already dating this guy that she liked. It hurts to see her get over our relationship so quickly, it makes me feel like the last few months of our relationship didnt really matter to her.


    The thing is, I still love her. Yea, you are probably thinking I am an idiot, but I cant help it. I know I pushed her away and its my fault. I just dont know what to do now. I can't stop thinking about her. Im am in college now and the long distance thing wasnt really working out, we only saw each other on the weekends. She was my best friend, I could tell her anything and she was there for me. Now, its like I have no one. I want to still be friends, but it hurts so bad knowing she is with that other guy. I dont know what I am suppose to do. Besides "Moving on", is there anything else I can do?

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