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Everything posted by Sweetiegurl20sc

  1. Hey everyone!! Thank you so much for all of ur comments. They made me think and gave me hope.. Ill let you know how it goes!!
  2. Ok.. SO its been a year now since my ex and I have been broken up. Weve done the no contact, weve also talked had some fights got mad etc.. Well ive tried to get over him and am still trying. But recently he called and was all sweet saying he missed me and he loved me and for me to tell him i loved him etc... I played it off like i didnt care that it didnt matter i was over him yada yada. Then 2 days later he tells me he is back with his ex before me and was really happy and didnt know why they broke up in the first place... This being the same girl that busted his lip with some wood and was a crackhead when he and i were together now shes "awesome".. This isnt the first girl he has supposedly hooked up with.. but even though it still hurts me alot even if i know we are so over and never will be together again.. I want to get over him so bad i cant stand it but yet a day dosnt go by when i dont think about him and what hes doing and who with.. When will this get better? when will i be able to go without thinkin of him? Please give me some advice
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