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Posts posted by Untalented

  1. Yeah it is easy to say, but her parents are planning to move within the next year and she can't work or go to school. She can't drive. All she can do is take the bus to pickup her sisters and cook dinner at her house. Well, watch TV too, but that is it. If she is the one, and I think she is. I don't want her to waste all her time sitting at home accomplishing nothing and doing nothing.

  2. Well, I have a lot to say, so let me start at the beginning. I met my girlfriend in a sophmore speech class in college. She is 19 and I am 21. We've been together now for 11 months and I asked her to marry me last month. She said yes and we plan to wedd in October.


    Throughout the relationship we have had our share of problems, but things always seem to workout. Whatever the problem may be, we would bend for eachother and do what must be done to stay together.


    For one, her Family is die hard Catholic as she is from South America. My Family are Jahovah's Witnesses (I'm non practicing). Getting married in a catholic church is a huge thing to her family and her, but my family wouldn't attend such a marriage. After long talks she decided it would be okay to get married out of a church without a Catholic minister. She is also willing to tone down large holidays that I'm not big on, seeing that I grew up not celebrating a lot of stuff like this.


    At one point this issue had almost broke us up, but we managed and talked our way through it. Other issues we've had is having a lot of small fights, frequently. It's never more then a day, but happened a lot over small stupid things. She would do something rude or I would and then we'd have a fight for a few hours. Not screaming at eachother or yelling, just quiet and mad at eachother. For a while we didn't have any fights then we would again. Then it would stop and now it started again.


    Other small issues I have are that I feel like I never see my friends anymore. She is real possesive, and hell so am I. Although, I wouldn't be real mad at her if she went out with her friends. She feels that weekends are her time with me and I work full time during the week then go to school at night.


    Sometimes I feel like she made all her religious sacrifices because we were both virgins and after being together for six months we had sex. She was sad about it for a while feeling bad about what she did, but after a while she didn't want to stop. We have GREAT bedroom chemistry. However, I told her we should stop and wait until we get married now so that our honeymoon in 6 months will be more special and it really is the right thing to do especially in our eyes. She agreed.


    One problem she has is that she only has her permit to go to school here. She has no license and no job. Currently her parents don't have the money for her school now, so she just sits at home. I want her to be able to work and for us both to be able to move a head with our life so when we get married she will be able to get a job and we can move a head together.


    She really is a great girl. Fun, smart, beautiful, shy, sexy, lovable. I really do love her, but recently I have some doubts with the fights and such. I just wanted to unload all of this off of my chest. What should I do? What do you all think about my situation? Are we truly in love or did sex bind her? I was so sure of myself, and yet now I'm confused.

  3. I started having sex in the last 3 months and I've been trying every Trojan condom to find what I liked.


    Trojan Ultra Ribbed are a pretty good choice in my opinion.

    Ultra-Thin are real nice also now, but I've found that the Supra's (which are more expensive and take a bit to get used to the texture) are really great. I have so much more feeling and they totally transmit body heat.

  4. A few questions and concerns. For the first time I had sex about a month and a half ago. Since then I've done it many times. No complaints as of yet seeing as I can get her to orgasm through just penetration.


    My few concerns are this, I think my size is kind of small and I don't know, but it bothers me. I'm about 5 and a 1/2 in length when it's fully erect, the width is totally fine. Is there anything I can do? Am I too small? What can I do to improve myself here?


    Also, how can I last longer. About 80% of the time I cum before her and have to take it out, switch rubbers, and then go back in to finish the job. I try slowing down, then speeding up, and etc. But after a little while of that the only thing that makes her orgasm is very quick thrusts, which makes me go pretty quick. How can I last longer? By the way I usually also masterbate sometime during the day before sex, which helps a little.


    Lastly, just in general I want to be the best I can be, so any tips would be much appreciated. I usually try to do as much foreplay as possible, but my girlfriend goes crazy after a short time and just want me to start doing it.

  5. 7th of Month 1 - Missed Period

    29th of Month 1 - Had sex for the first time

    7th of Month 2 - Missed Period Again

    Had sex a bunch throughout month 2

    7th of Month 3 - Missed Period Again

    8th of Month 3 - Tried 2 different pregnacy tests that say NEG

    9th of Month 3 - Very small amount of blood came out and she thought she was going to have her period, but she says more comes out so she doesn't think she had it, well she said she is positive she didn't.

    10th of Month 3 - Tried another pregnancy test and posts NEG


    I'm not sure what's going on can anyone tell me what they think could be the problem? She was at a doctor for some bug bite today and mentioned her missed period, but her mom with with her when the doctor asked if she was sexually active and so she said no and then her mom said to not bother with a vaginal inspection since she hasn't had sex.


    What should I do? Has anyone ever experienced this? What could be the problem? She is 18 and I'm 20, so sex is okay to us, but her parents would flip if they found out.

  6. Okay, well me and my girlfriend haven't had sex yet. Basically we've done a lot of other stuff though. I'm her first boyfriend who she has ever done anything with. Anyways, I pleased her about once a day for five days before she normally gets her period, and now it is 10 days late. Could having orgasm's cause this? Because she told me she is never this late and usually has it + or - 4 days from the 7th of every month.


    I'm really hoping nothing made its way in her. Please let me know!

  7. Okay thanks, today she attempted a bit. Maybe it will just take more practice. I kissed her, then told her to try just like that. Hopefully she gets better overtime.


    Was hoping there was some good exercises she could do to increase her skill. Oh and to the one poster above, yes kissing and not oral.

  8. I've dated my girldfriend for a month now. We kiss a lot and the problem I have is she doesn't use her tongue enough. I tried to teacher her, but it doesn't seem to help much. Can anyone give me any tips on what I can do to help her develop more skill in it. Maybe some exercises?

  9. Okay to get started, a friend of mine introduced me to a girl he knew. She is 17 and I'm 19. Anyways, we go on a double date as friends with my friend and his girl. We have a nice dinner and she asks me for my phone number, so I gave it to her. Then we drop her off and I get a little kiss on the cheak goodbye.


    Next weekend she calls me and asks me what I was doing. She wanted to go out with my friend and his girl again, but my friend played it off like he was busy and so just me and her went out for dinner. After dinner I dropped her off at home and she said to come visit her at her work saturday.


    Saturday I stop in and talk to her at work for about 2 hours (her boss is nice). After that sunday we go out and play pool (with my friend).


    Okay now it got kind of weird. The next week she has an excuse friday (I really don't remember what). So I said how about we go do something tomorrow? She said okay. I call her the next day and she says... "Oh I forgot I have a party I have to go to". So she blows me off. Sunday she calls me and asks me to go to lunch. I was busy and she said she'd call me back to go out later. I didn't get a call.


    The next weekend my friend tells me not to call her. I was getting tired of waiting so I just called her Friday. She said she wanted to go out, but she had plans already for today and Saturday. Sunday comes and she didn't call.


    Okay now... I'm not really sure if she is interested in me at all or not. My friends tell me not to call her and let her call me, but I'd like to call her during the week and just say hi. They tell me to just wait until she calls. I'm confused... can anyone give me some advice? I can't tell if she just wants to be friends or if she'd like to go out with me as something more then that.

  10. I'm 19 years old.


    I have had one girlfriend for about a month, well it seemed like a close friendship that could have been more, if I would have taken some initiative.


    Anyways, there is this knew girl that a friend of mine introduced me to. I'm really attracted to her, although I'm not really sure if she is attracted to me. We have gone on one, sort of, double date with my friend and his girlfriend. It was a blind date and the night we met.


    I've very shy, and I don't think I'm the best looker (not ugly, but not brad pit). So I have kind of low self confidence towards myself. The first date I went with her I tried to make some small talk, but I just don't know what to say. When there is a silence, I feel uncomfortable.


    I'd just like some tips on good questions and how to get into a good conversation and keep it going. She seems shy too (my friend also said she was), so she doesn't talk much also.


    I'm just so nervous when I know I shouldn't be. Everyone just says to just talk about anything, but when I'm there my mind goes blank.

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