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Everything posted by balsa

  1. This morning while departing for work, my fianci soaked a wash cloth with water, folded it and put it in a zip-lock bag. When, I asked what in the world he was doing that for, he said in case he had to wipe anything off. This is very weird. Hope someone can shed some light on this occurrence
  2. maybe...i am supicious of another woman...maybe not...however...he always has his pager..cell phone on his person...while at work..the computer which he is not 24/7 has the time...again...can't make an sense out of this issue
  3. no he does not have another alarm clock...it is not broken and in the garbage...it is not behind the bed or nightstand...he could have used the alarm on his cell phone when away from home...sorry...i am supicious of something...don't know what yet
  4. this morning after my fiance' left for work...and while cleaning the bedroom...i noticed that his battery operated alarm clock was missing..the same alarm clock that he woke up to this morning. i know that he didn't take it with him to buy batteries...as we always have an abudance of extra batteries at home... however, i do know he has it because he returned home to say he left his office keys. i don't know what to make of this strange occurrence...have not mentioned it to him yet...
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