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Everything posted by ansmith

  1. yea it is one of the hardest things to deal with. Ethan will tease me as well and talk about some of our past experiences. Im just like "Ok, shut up!" haha like u said all u can do is wait, and know that when u are finally together, it will be better than ever and worth the wait
  2. ayekasong... yea, I saw Ethan last w/e and with all the sexual frustration we both had for the past month, it made out alone time together SO much better! And as for the fighting, its getting a little easier, I guess like u said, itll get easier with time
  3. ayekasong... yea, I saw Ethan last w/e and with all the sexual frustration we both had for the past month, it made out alone time together SO much better! And as for the fighting, its getting a little easier, I guess like u said, itll get easier with time
  4. lillady898... I was laughing so hard reading your reply! So many of your fights sounded just like Ethan and I. I think you're right about having judgment on what is actually worth arguing over. Because a lot of the time I'll just be having a bad day and missing him a lot and pick a fight for those reasons and I need to stop doing that. A stupid argument almost broke us up as well once. Most of them, just like yours have been about him not calling at a certain time, when I realize later that he as a lot to do and if he eventually calls me I should not get mad. The way I see it, since I cant spend time with him nemore, every moment that I talk to him on the phone is all I get so I shouldnt ruin it with an argument. Im sure itll get easier for me as it has for u One more question... How do u deal the sexual frustration???? haha Its SO hard
  5. emmylu... yea I know I need to get a car and start driving but it is easier said than done u know? I cant really afford it rite now... and he told me that he doesnt want me to have to drive 3 hrs by myself all the time anyway
  6. Lillady898... It is so strange how similar our situations are. Your advice helped change my outlook so much. I think I need to focus on the positve more than the negative. Thats what he always tells me. And I realized someting else that helped is considering how much worse it could be. I realized from reading a lot of the forums that Im lucky to b with him once maybe twice a month, because some dont even know when they will see there bf/gf next! And I also agree with the point that maybe if I do something sweet first he will follow. Im so glad to have someone to relate to on this because up until now, I thought no one knew how I was feeling. Another thing I have been struggling with are the arguments... before he left for college we hadnt had one. Now that hes gone we seem to bicker a lot more... have u experienced this as well?
  7. Heres my dilemma... I met the love of my life 3 months ago. I know it doesnt seem to be a long time, but from the first time I met him I knew this was it. We are both only 19 years old but Ive never felt this way about someone before and dont think I ever will again if I screw this up. After 2 months of being together he had to leave me and go to college. He is 3 hrs away and I know to a lot of u it does not seem that bad but him and I spent everyday together for 2 months and now I can only see him 3 to 4 weeks at a time. I dont have a car and he didnt take his car up to college so the only way we can see each other is through my friends and whenever holidays come around. Ive been a way from him for a month already and just this past w/e I finally got to see him. It was amazing but then the w/e was over and I had to say goodbye for the second time. Im learning how to deal with missing him, just staying busy and what not. But recently he started to pledge a fraternity and it is taking up A LOT of his time. It seems to me sometimes that he doesnt understand how I feel because he has so much going on he doesnt have time to think about me and that makes me feel horrible. He always reassures me that he constantly thinks about me and misses me just as much as I miss him. My question is how do I deal with him being so busy, and still keep the communication going? Please help me out with any advice u can lend. thank you in advance!
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