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Posts posted by jecht

  1. Yes it is a teribble snowstorm in the Gta and durham region isn't it ? anyways well i guess if he acaully let it lose in you then its possible for you to be pregrenant but your better off taking the test as no one can really tell u if u are or not cause only u and ur bf were there and only pregnance test can tell


    p.s yea i know i can't spell i am terible at it

  2. well i was talking to her and found out she really likes one of my friends and he sorta likes her this makes me sad as i was joking bout giving her a kiss and she was like i'd rather kiss him then you so now i dunno what to do she was asking me who i like and she wants to know by tommrow so i dunno?

  3. i was stay over his house not to long ago and i was trying to hint to her i was like moving really close and she was doing like her horoscopes and told her to look at mine and such but i don't think she would like me cause i've never act that way to her i've just been here bro's crazy friend

  4. ok so heres the deal i have a friend who i have known since kindergarden and he has i sis i have know equally as long and i starting to like her shes like a year younger then me and i want to tell her but i don't think shes want me and/or her brother and his friends who are mine too might think i'm weird what to do

  5. hey yall i going thro pretty bad time and i need some advice at how to get back in to the game i just lost my last life on.


    anyways heres whats been happening i have a friend and did like her but she had this bf and i have no clu what she sees in him but there going for the 2 year this august so i got a little disappointed. next i asked one of my friends out but she saids we were really good friends (which i don't think we r) and didn't want to end up with us breaking up (if that would happen) in the end. And heres the pin that broke the camels back my friend was going threw a rough time after her bf broke up with herso i was there to comfort her and i did like her so i was going to ask her out the next day. the next day after school i was going to tell her ( i was sick couldn't go to school) when i saw the classic heart in the name with i guy i knows name there friends so i thought nothing of it till she told me when we started talk ( before i told her) so i didn't tell her so i dunno everythign seems to be going wrong and i dunno what to do

  6. First off life is always worth living and theres always a point Second try getting over ur shiness try talking to her more and if it doesn't work out meh no big deal there are always more fish in the sea. People like us are only in our teen years and if u think theres no point of living now then u better start getting ready for a lonely life. Just remember theres always a person(people) who love u so don't go thinking about not have a point to live cause u do and someday u'll find it

  7. hey everyone

    anyways let me get straight to my story as u should know the background before i ask the questions

    anyways i've been friends with a girl in school since around gr 5 .Any ways we are pretty good friends we talk regularly and before our school lunchies switched i used to sit with her and her friend. Anyways i've been developing different fellings for her and i've tried to ignore them but evrytime i see her i don't want to look at her as just a friend.Its really eating me inside and i can't get over the fact.

    So my questions are should i concider becoming more than friends or will this mess up our whole friendship causing it to end. and 2nd if i did want this to happen how would i go about asking her hmmm whats a good word ...."out"

  8. i'm really lost in my life at the moment i just don't know it's so confusing. life is just being a really pain all of a sudden. relations with others just never seem to work and my # of friends just seems liek it's going down every passing day. everyone makes fun of my voice and i just don't think i'm developing like evrybody else. i just fell alone and i really need someone to talk too.

  9. all right so hears the convo


    me- hey u want to hangout sometime


    her-oh cool i dunno i'm really busy with the working a cottaging and stuff lately but ya know whenever


    then almost rightafter giving a responce


    her-crud i gotta go ppl need computer


    so hers my problem do think maybe she does want to hangout and shes busy or shes just saying that cause she does not want to seem mean and say no

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