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Posts posted by PrismicThunder

  1. atleast for me it was not a matter of proactively scowering the globe for this woman but she can out of a panic craze. I sorta had this really nasty girl hounding me for a date on V-day and so i signed up for a free trial on a dating site. Half expecting to get the general nothing out of it, i just left it on hoping that somehow i would find some date any date to get out of having to be pestered by this nasty chick for a date. So a girl emailed me and we started talking. There wasn't an immediate magical moment where i transformed instantly in love with her. We saw each other a couple of times and then gradually moved together into a relationship. After nearly a year of seeing each other and surviving the bad and welcoming the good we can honestly say that we want to be with each other. There wasn't an epiphany in which i magically loved her, it just happened. Love is like death it comes when you least expect it and often before you realize what is happening. The moral is that fate destiny or God has a way of making things happen in the most obscure ways. So there really isn't a way to plan love... it just happens.

  2. Well perhaps i am young and infantile in my understanding of the world, but it seems to be that anyone can now buy all the toys they want and please themselves with money for a time. However, i have found one thing in my life that makes the entire difference... that is love. I have a young woman that loves me more than anything in the world and material possessions while nice, really only serve as symbols for that love. As mentioned on another post i gave my GF an inexpensive promise ring. Does she really care about how much the ring costs or whether it is better than someone elses... no what matters to her is the promise. Like a cross is mearly a symbol of GOD, jewelry is merely, in my case a symbol of love for her. Sure MS. independent buys herself a diamond ring that looks better than my GFs little ring, yet i believe the woman will somewhere be in awe of the little ring and thus snub it; because the woman cannot have the true wealth that the little ring means. Today our gens are raised to appreaciate materialism over everything else. It is for this warped reason that we cannot exist as we once did. I look at developments on a nice summer day and notice a distrubing trend. No kids in the yard. no gang of neighborhood kids playing together, no old folks stilling around on the porch inviting the kids over for a story or cookies. No more little town shops, no more neighborhood bakers or firemen or butchers. We have become isolationists, and thus all our kids are on Ritalin, prozac, overweight, and cold. I look at boys my brothers age ( the start of the ritalin craze) and notice they are smaller and anti-social. I am about 6'1 and 190lb about the size of most guys my age. But i see 16-18yr olds from these well to do families are barely pushing 5'8" and dress like thugs. Isolationism is terrible for the soul and makes loneliness a big issue. I suggest, that you take a trip to someplace like asia or Southern or E. europe and look for a nice woman there. These countries still place high value on the family and have a warmth to them. I personally can attest this from my Castillan friend whom repeatedly asked me about why americans are so weird about personal space, why we apologize over littlest things, and why the people are always in a rush and never smile.


    In summation, in order to avert this isolationism( Only by the grace of God do i have someone like my gf otherwise i would be out of here fast) and i suggest being either really lucky or experiencing another culture

  3. i would also like to state that I firmly believe in soulmates. I think we look too hard for them sometimes and pick the wrong person or atleast a person that is in someway a muddled reflection of our soulmate (speaking from experience). As for being born alone and dying alone... that is a crock. I was born into this world as a child of God and greatly feel that i will always have Him at my side no matter what.


    Finally to all i would like to give the secret of life and that is simply.....



    Don't Settle

  4. Really Sex is suppose to be the goal of a relationship? I thought it was to find that one person that makes all the BS in life seem bearable and someone that love you know matter what and stands behind you 200%. Atleast that is what i have found with my gf and trust me when i say that there are much better things in life than sex. Sure being one body with her is amazing as is being together that intimately with someone you love beyond words. But sometimes, i would rather just have her cuddled against me or just look deeply into her eyes. Far far better than sex could ever is seeing how much she loves me.

  5. Yesterday i decided to give my gf a promise ring and i know full well the ramifications of that action. So exactly what am i suppose to be doing now? i feel like i am in limbo between being engaged and just being Gf and bf. Is there like a time i should start thinking about moving toward the engagement or what should i do?

  6. the trick is to use different muscle groups during the time after the tongue gets tried use your head to bob up and down. Also try letting your tongue go flat. Sometimes i suck on the clit or use my hands to give my mouth a little break. Also using your fingers to stroke her G-spot makes her come alot faster. It only takes me maybe 15 mins tops to get her to tell me her heart can't take anymore. \

  7. 1) With me an my Gf love is powerful enough to just about overcome any outside force. From where i stand, It could be considered to be the most powerful Juggernaut i have ever encountered. Love survives natural disater, sickness, temptation, human limitations. As they say in church the three things that are eternal; Love is the strongest of them all.


    2) i would die for her


    3) Spent all day making me a birthday dinner from scratch; cake and all.


    4) Perhaps that it is more valuable than anything else on this Rock. Agape(love for God) Eros (romantic love) and Philia (friendship love) make life what it is; money, power et al no matter how much you have cannot begin to replace these things

  8. those seem like good ideas. Seriously of the 32 women i have seen, dated etc. She has shown me alone the precious gift of what it is to have true love. My relationship with her is so good and so much part of who i am and a source of goodness in my life, i guess its like having found the most perfect thing in the world, surely you wouldn't ever want to give that up.

  9. My problem is both me and my gf both love each other beyond the expression of words. we have been together nearly a year and being that i am in my senior year of college and i am seeing my friends get engaged i am starting to want to remain with the this young woman forever. The issue is that she was engaged before to a young man that claimed to love her and treated her good but only got engaged to her to sleep with her and in order to have a trophy wife. Well after that blew up nearly a year and 3mnths ago, she has seeming been afraid to enter into anytype of engagement... I am lost as to what to think or feel or do

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