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Posts posted by juz4storm

  1. Hey, I'm in the Navy and I can see both sides. It sounds like he wants to change and it might not be him right now but if a person really loves you then he can change himself. What do I think? You married him for a reason and maybe you should give him a chance. If it doesn't work out then it doesn't. You can't say you didn't give it a chance. And about Eric. If he's the one for you then you'll be with him. Things happen for a reason. And communication is the biggest thing. What I like to do is have a romantic dinner with my significant other at least once a month and talk about our relationship. How can we make it better, is there anything bothering you? For example, I used to smoke? My girlfriend told me she didn't like it. Can she change me? NO. But I can change myself.

  2. WAIT! You're young so just date right now. Have you ever heard not to look for it, it will find you? I just went through a dramatic breakup and I really don't want to rush into anything. I'm affraid it might be a rebound and I might treat her like I want to treat my ex. Would she be the one? I won't be able to find out until I'm happy with myself. So wait!


    You can have any women fall in love with you if she's interested but you'll only spend the rest of your life with one person. Think about that. Life life to the fullest and improve yourself by yourself. Your soul mate will be very happy and that's were your forever marriages come from.

  3. My ex that I love very much left me for a guy that's been married twice, divorced twice and has 3 kids. One thing I can't get is that what's wrong with him. How do you find two wives that just get up and leave him and the children. To me it's trouble for her knocking at the door. She said the first marriage ended because he was too young. The second was has no reason. She just left.

  4. My GF that I really loved very much left me because of something that I did. At the time I didn't know it was a problem. But after she left I thought about what happened and I knew that I had to change something simple about myself. A relationship is a part of life and sometimes they don't work out. Yeah it's hard to let go but look at what happened during the relationship and if you really want to be the best person you can be then change it. Nothing's impossible.


    From what you said I sounds like you're in a position to improve yourself and show him. That could be what he's waiting for. Change what you want about yourself and stay friends with him. He'll notice the difference about you and over time he might come closer. But if he doesn't, then the more you improve yourself the happier you're going to make your soul mate. Patience is a virtue and if it's meant to be then it's meant to be.

  5. Thanks for the advise. I'm just worried because he seems like a nice guy but you never know. Now is it possible for a man to find 2 women who don't want their children in his life time? I'm the type of person that analyzes a lot and I admit that I thought maybe he's abusive, the ex was just too scared and the reason why she left the kids was because he's great with them. Or maybe he's a lazy person and the wife just got fed up with it. What I'm looking for are opinions, from men and women, to why he has all 3 children from 2 ex's. If you have any ideas please tell me? I'm the type of person that will accept the good and the bad.

  6. I'm thinking about getting involved with a man that has been divorced twice and has custody of 3 children from his 2 ex wives. Now I have a child and I don't care that he has children. He says the first marriage was because he was too young. The second marriage his wife left him and the children. Now it's hard for me to believe that he has custody all of the children from 2 wives. Is there any logical reason why his second wife just got up and left? Can he be abusive? Thanks in advance.

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