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Posts posted by Derek123

  1. I dont think its horrible its just alot of things that guys do I dont like to do at all


    Also its a little easier to talk about it here than a counselor because you know then I am face to face with him its just really hard.


    I did kind of make it sound like male things are horrible didnt I I guess I was so depressed I started to exaggerate and stuff.


    I dont think they are really horrible I just dont like to paintball or anything like that I dont know why or play certain rough sports at all.


    Its just really hard every moment of my life almost I think about it because nothing feels right at all.


    I dont really have much friends but I do have one or two good ones but they are not the kind of friends I would talk about this too I really wish I did have a friend like that. They would probably just look at me weird and go "oook..." if you know what I mean


    I cant really talk to my parents about it either my mom is bi polar and I live with my dad but whenever I say it he thinks its silly that I think that way and says its only because you dont hang out with the "boys" enough


    Sometimes I just go to sleep and pray that I wake up as a girl I pray to god all the time but it seems hopeless faith cant help me with this.


    I just wish there was something I could do to stop the pain I feel all the time I wish there was just something I could do but I feel hopeless lost I feel like I am falling deeper and deeper into sadness. I know it sounds like I am complaining or exagerrating but i really feel this way.

  2. I used to go to counseling but it just didnt do anything and we tried someone new and I have been afraid to tell him anything.


    Thanks for your help and advice but I have been feeling this way for as long as I can remember so I doubht this is a phase.


    I doubt anyone could help me noone can really change who you are. I suppose I just wanted to tell someone.


    Thanks for your support and I suppose I will see how my life turns out.

  3. I believe its normal for it to hurt during the fist few times a girl has sex or after not having sex for a long time


    He should have stopped but I wouldnt consider it rape he might have been too into it to gather the will power to stop.


    It was wrong but I thinks both of you should get back together. As one of the other members said if you tried to physically get off him and he kept going it would have been rape.


    If you still love him get back together with him.

  4. well its good that your not depressed


    everyone has bad periods in their life I suppose and I am going through one of mine


    I always feel better by doing things I like like video games going on the internet and reading


    the best of luck to you I hope things improve with you and I am sure a bf would help

  5. but I dont want big muscles or anything and I dont like sports that much at all I dont like to do any boy things hardly except maybe video and computer games which girls do to


    its been like this my whole life I have always wanted to dres up like and hang out with the girls


    no boy things appeal to me at all and it cant be a phase because I always felt this way

  6. you might regret it


    you should appreciate life all you can and according to those site its curable so you should keep hope


    I once wanted to die and I got sent to a hospital twice but then I realized that alot of people love me and theres alot for me to live for


    always keep hope good luck to you

  7. nothing is right I dont feel like a boy I always feel like I should have been a girl


    I always want to act feminine and hang out with other girls but I cant I would look gay and weird


    I know this happens to other people but I dont know what to do I think about it every minute of my life and at some time I have even gotten suicidal


    I once told my dad and he said it was a phase but I felt this way since I was little I always wanted to grow my hair long and stuff


    I know I can "change" but I am only 13 I cant take hormones or anything and even if I did I would never be able to see any of my friends again life would never be normal


    Everyday I feel a little bit worse and I have no idea of what I can do I want to wear girls clothes and be a girl


    This took alot of courage to say but I cant hold it in any longer I just cant stand any of this any longer I felt wrong my whole life

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