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  1. It's been about two months since my ex and I have broken up. We had been together for over a year and a half. We were very much in love at the age of only 15 (him) and 16 (me). ~the breakup~ He broke up with me out of the blue, telling me that he just didn't love me anymore, and wanted to be single and free. It ended quite abruptly, and seemed like he hadn't put much thought into it, even thought he swore that he did. After the breakup, he ignored me as much as possible. I talk to him online from time to time, but it always ends up in argument because I don't see how he can just breakup with me and be over me just like that. I never believed that love worked like that. They say you always love your first love, or have feelings for them, but just know that it's time to move on. Well, that's not how it is for him. He says that everyone's different and there's no rules to love. He loved me then, and doesn't love me now. There are no feelings there at all for me anymore, he says. Oh and there's more. One night (this was about a month or so after the breakup...), we had a misunderstanding, so I called him to clear it up. Well, we got to talking and started talking about how I needed to get over him. I explained to him how hard it was for me because I lost way more than him in the relationship, and etc. I just started pointing out why it was so hard for me to get over him, then all of a sudden he starts crying. I'm like "What?! I'm the one who should be crying right now, are you ok?!" and he goes "No, I'm not okay. I just realized everything I had lost. I guess I just didn't think about it". We talked for about 2 1/2 hours that night. During the conversation he admited that he missed me, and that he still kinda loved me, but was just confused. The next day, he denied the entire thing. I don't know what to do with myself anymore. I've tried so hard to get over him, I just don't know how. It's been about two months now, and I don't feel anymore over him, than I did two months ago. I just don't want to love him anymore. It's so painful. I could really really use some advice. Please help.
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