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Posts posted by Kbelles

  1. weed stays in your system (blood and so forth) for a month, but every centimeter of your hair represents a month. so unless you cut a centimeter of your hair once a month and your hair is say 12 centimeters long, it will show everything in your sytem for the past year.... hope this info helps

  2. Ive been with my bf about two months. hes not like anyone ive ever met and he is the most compatible person of the opposite sex that i have ever been around.


    My question is this: for two people who just made their relationship "official" two months ago, is now a good time to tell him I love him? how long into your relationship did you drop the L-word? ( btw, i was going to tell him on valentines day)

  3. yeah i was wondering whats the best way to actually go about doing that to a guy, like if hes sleeping on his side or something but you want to wake him up by doing that?


    any advice? thanks!



    same question here, actually..hehe. so far my bf has no qualms about waking me up in the middle of the nite for some extra luvin'. i actually think its a turn on, but im not quite sure how to go about doing it to him...hmmm. advice?

  4. Age is a number, it only represents the time that you've been alive o this earth.. it does not however, represent the maturity level of the person...


    this is true. hey take me for example: im 19 (turning 20 in two months) and my bf JUST turned 31 a couple weeks ago. it works out great and we have a blast together. im a really mature 19 year old and he is a 31 year old who is a kid at heart. so we figure that we have an average age of 25 (that was a joke...hehe)


    what im tryin to say is this: your age gap is no bigger than what the two of you make it FEEL like.....

  5. WOW. i TOTALLY understand where you're coming from. i struggled with an almost carbon copy of your situation. the only difference: my bf and i dont live together and there was no 'wedding' (hehe). But yea, i love my bf soooo much but for a period of time, i was finding it EXTREMELY hard to get this other guy off my mind. what made it worse for me was that this other guy and myself live six blocks away from each other! so i constantly worry that ill bump into him in the dry cleaners or the supermarket, or the train station...etc. we had a HOT and HEAVY sexual relationship.


    by far he was the one guy in my life who could turn me on just from looking at him. it was just hard to walk away from that. but i saw no future for us and knew i could not trust him if i ever was in a 'relationship' with him. most of my friends say im very lucky to have my bf (and i agree). my mom thinks hes great and so does the rest of my family. which is why i felt so bad for wanting/yearning/thinking about this old FWB.


    the one reason i havent cheated is because i know the guilt would kill me if i did. before meeting me, my bf had had several previous gfs cheat on him and he told me how much he loves me and thinks the world of me because im 'different' and he "knows he doesnt have to worry about me being unfaithful" (his words exactly). so i dont wanna be like all those other girls who cheated on him. i know that deep down he doesnt deserve that. hes too good to be treated so badly. i have never known a man to be so sweet and loving who cares about me and actually WANTS to build a future with me. this is what keeps me loyal everyday.


    i know its hard sometimes because we all have those carnal desires that eat away at us. but just remain strong and ask yourself this: "what has my bf done to deserve me cheating on him?" if your answer is "nothing", then dont do it.... PM me if you need extra encouraging words from someone who INTIMATELY UNDERSTANDS your situation (like me, hehe)

  6. my bf is able to last a really long time before he comes (40 mins to an hour sometimes) so i asked him how he was able to do this (since everyone else i had been with before always came quickly). his answer: PRACTICE. he told me he mastubates a lot and this is practice for his penis. he would see how long he could go before ejaculating and then see how long it would take to get it back up again. so definitely, practice makes perfect...

  7. yea, pretty much what a lot have already said. it depends on your chemistry with that person. with one person, i waited 2 years! with another i waited 4 months and with my current boyfriend, we had sex on the first date! but that just goes to prove that there is no set time to do the deed...

  8. i completely understand you to a certain extent. i myself, battled with this same question. i had ALWAYS thought it was wrong to sleep with more than one man at a time (not more than one, but you know what i mean). but if they are both pretty much saying that they are not into anything long term then they are being upfront about their expectations (or lack of). to look into the future with hopes of something long term with either of these men would be setting yourself up for a let down.


    if you really kinda like both of them for the companionship/affection/conversation they provide then go with that. take it one day at a time and just enjoy their company. maybe in the midst of this, the long term relationship you are looking for just might find YOU and you might be surprised that it may not be from one of these guys. you are not exclusive with either one of these guys so you should have no guilt. just make sure to keep your timetables and know their whereabouts so neither one of them will have to know about the other.as for why guys never stay, i couldnt tell you if it was right in front of me .


    but look at it this way, in the meantime you might just gain a couple friends a few steamy nights .

  9. ive only done the video thing one time but we did it with a webcam. this allows you to keep it or delete it on the computer. we watched it back a few times, had a few laughs, got turned on and then deleted it from the computer. my only advice would be to just dont keep the video. delete it right away. or tape over it ASAP. no one ever HOPES that they will break up with their bf/gf but you must protect yourself in any way you can. so go ahead, have fun, but just make sure to destroy the tape/video together with each other as the witness once its over. look at it this way, you can always make another

  10. knowing the kind of person i am, i would probably tell her to be very careful with herself and her feelings (which i actually am trying to do). but the thing is this: my father knows nothing of my bf's issues! he is not basing his attitude off of anything other than the fact that my bf is older than me. yes, my bf has issues but not the kind that make him a bad person (his past and childhood was rough). and we've been "official" for about a little over a month but the chemistry was definitely brewing well before then. ive come to know him well as a person. i just wish my father would give him the chance to show this kind, sweet, caring person that i have come to know and love.... frankly, im all out of ideas.....

  11. my boyfriend and i have an 11 year age age between us. i am 19 turning twenty in 2 months and he just turned 31 a few days ago. the problem is this: my father is TOTALLY against it. everyone else in my family (mother included) is supportive of our relationship and they all like him very much. they are always arguing with my father trying to get him to understand that im happy with my bf. i dont ask much of my parents. i was never a 'bad kid', i dont hit them up for money or anything like that, (i work, have my own apartment, and go to school) and ive never given him reason to believe i cant take care of myself.


    every other guy my age that ive dated/had a relationship with has been GROSSLY IMMATURE. for age 19, im a very mature person and i have only found a match for my maturity in my boyfriend who is much older. everyone in my family has met my boyfriend but my father refuses to meet him! throughout, my bf has been the kindest most understanding guy around. he even offered to sit down and have a heart-to-heart with my father. but my dad wants nothing to do with him. this is tearing me apart. the two most important men in my life cant come together in acknowledgement of one another.


    it hurts that my father is acting weird towards me. he is always very short and curt with me on the phone and whenever i try to see him he says hes busy. when i ask him to talk to me he says theres nothing to talk about. its gotten to be unbearable lately. i refuse to break up with my bf. i deserve happiness too and being with him makes me happy. i dont think i should have to give that up to appease my father. what can i do to smooth things over with my dad? im at the end of my rope. any advice would be great

  12. well, my first time was kinda scary and exciting at the same time. i was scared because i was afraid i would do it wrong or hurt him. but as it turns out, i actually enjoyed doing it! i LOVED doing it and still do. i became excited about it and everytime is a learning experience to try a new 'technique'. i love giving pleasure in this way. as a female, i feel very much in control and powerful in the sense that i can give pleasure until he starts to shiver and get myself turned on at the same time! even the taste doesnt really bother me. but if you intend on swallowing, just make sure to swallow hard and fast (you wont taste a thing).


    as far as tips go, neva_black_n_white pretty much covered the basics. every guy is different in what he likes. but i wil add one more thing: dont forget the frenulum (little bit of skin on the underside of the penis that connects the head to the shaft). it is extremely sensitive. this is the reason tongue rings work well in oral sex on a man. the tongue ring lines up perfectly with the frenulum. pay special attention to this area and you'll be in good standing....

  13. HI!

    looks like u r all experts in dirty talk... would u plz give me some advice on sentences that can be used...



    i wont get too graphic or anything but you cann always ask the person what they are gonna 'DO' to you (wink, wink) . or you can even say what you are gonna 'DO' to them. or tell them how 'good it feels'. say something sexy about a part of their body that turns you on....

  14. well, ur young so im sure most boys ur age ARE circumcised. my bf is 31 and a LOT of men his age and older are not circumcised. medicine and technology are different now than it was 30 and 40 yrs ago. back then, it wasnt considered the 'safest' procedure for your newborn baby boy. but nowadays, circumcision is as common as cutting the umbilical cord.


    as far as how it looks, with circumcised penis, the sheath of skin does not stop at the glans (head) but instead continues all the way down to the very tip of the penis.

  15. even as a female, i can kinda understand the guy's frustration. yes, he was wrong to 'storm out' but i think he had a right to be angered by the 'teasing' game. i think im the only female i know who doesnt like to be teased. i dont like to play games. my bf used to do that until i told him to stop. he used to get me all hot and then tell me he had to leave or something. by this time, im all flushed and breathing heavy. and to tease me like that i thought was downright cruel to a girl. so i imagine its the same for a guy.


    your friend may have had all intentions of giving in but how was HE supposed to know that?! people cant read minds, ya know. obviously, she must be a REALLY good tease. so good in fact, that he obviously thought he wasnt going to get any. so maybe you should look at your friend and not at the guy. why cant she just be more mature and tell him that she needs more foreplay rather than play the now-you-see-it-now-you-dont game. in my opinion, they both acted immaturely...

  16. i agree with Amasa. drinking and drugs can DEFINITELY affect a guy's erection. my bf doesnt do drugs but if he drinks and gets downright drunk then he's basically impotent at that time. he couldn't get it up if his life depended on it when he's drunk. any other time, he's as hard as a rock, but the minute alcohol hits his system, his 'member' cannot function. so if he knows hes gonna see me, he doent drink at all. and if he has been drinking, i know im not gonna get any that night . i guess ill never have to worry about him getting drunk and having sex with another girl

  17. WOW. WOW. WOW. and all this time i thought how weird i must be to have all the same thoughts as just about all the females who have posted a reply on this topic. i once kissed a girl on a dare at a party and it wasnt exactly a terrible experience cuz she was kinda hot. she was bout 5'4 perfectly voluptuous with an hourglass shape, beautiful tan skin, long hair, and a VERY cute face.


    im very particular about what i like when it comes to girls. my bf doesnt seem to mind. he even told me that he would like to see me go down on a girl (i dunno about that yet). but i must admit, there is something about the female body that i find very appealing. i must admit, i wouldnt mind kissing a girl again or having a threesome as long as she didnt have sex with my boyfriend (sorry , but i cant sit there and watch another girl have sex with my bf). all in all, girls are sexy...

  18. i can understand your concern. i sometimes ask myself the same "what-are-you doing-?" type question. i have a similar situation. my current bf and i instantly hit it off ( we met at a bus stop, oddly enough). we ended up sitting on a bench in the cold at the bus stop for THREE hours just talking to each other. i am 19 and he is 31. we have great conversation and really enjoy each others' company.


    dont let the age gap spoof you. most guys our age are not on the maturity level to handle a young, sophisticated, mature woman. guys our age think that maturity is something that is reached in old age, but not necessarily. just TAKE IT ONE DAY AT A TIME. dont over-analyze what is developing between you two. who knows? you might fall in love with each other or you might just become really good friends.

  19. i agree with ShySoul. ive watched pornos with my bf and all i saw were D and DD cup breasts and penises that would put an average woman in the hospital...hehe. porn is not real life. dun worry. you're about average size and im pretty sure the girls your age wouldnt have a problem with your size either. i would consider (in everyday life) eight inches to be pretty large. the last guy i saw before my bf was about 6-6 1/2 inches and before him that one was about 7 at the most. so take it easy, ur fine.

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