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Posts posted by AwsomeDude

  1. a two years old story when i 1st met this girl who was in here for a vacation, she was nothing but a lovely girl, young and beautiful, she kept on coming for vacations, and she called me every time she came, last time, 6 months ago, and after i drove her home, she called me for coffee at here place, and we had a long conversation, she was like: don't you think that we have something, i was like: mmmmm yes, i can say so, and we didnt say anything more, that vacation ended with me and her as a couple, we had plans that she will come over and stay here, we kept the contact for three months, when suddenly i heard nothing from her.


    i just forgot about the whole thing and thought it was just a nice experience we both had, but i have to admit that i had another girlfriend all that time, and always thought that i have nothing for this new girl more than a little attraction as she was stunning hot, anyway, i broke up with my girlfriend like one month ago, and she just traveled, i felt the emptiness that my girlfriend left behind, but i was so sure that i did the right thing, because i don't love her anymore.


    Two weeks ago, a local phone Number, it was the new girl again, she sounded so happy, i met her, and the moment she got in the car, it was very strange, we both were staring, we were still for a long time, and then i moved the car, it was so complicated, we missed each other so much, it was so clear, but at the same time, we both felt like strangers, but anyway, she told me that she lost the contact because she had a car accident, and stayed in hospital for three months, and till now she hardly can stand like two hours out of home, which is i dont have a problem with, in any case, last week, she told that she loves me, and she thinks i'm the one for her, which is i like.


    i loved everything about her, i loved her as a woman, she is the type i like, i'm so crazy about how beautiful she is, and about every single detail in her, along with a great personality, she is just so simple and straight to the point, in most of times, but i feel like i'm too much into her, i mean i call her too much, and want to be with her all the time, i know this is wrong, and i know i'm screwing things up, but i can't help it, i had conversation with her about this, about that she sounds cold, she never call as i do, beside she sounds like she knows how crazy i am about her, she always make me so comfortable when i'm with her, she's so kind and tells me that she loves me, and things are ok, but she either was busy, or something came up.


    i think it's time to hold back!

    i dont know, i feel like she loves me, but since i rushed things with my attitude, i just killed the excitement that she needs !

    more details


    She invited me at her place for a dinner the other day! (She cooks well BTW).

    we had a conversation, and she wanted to highlight why she's acting this way, she mentioned that the accident cause her difficulties in moving around, as she is advised to take a rest for long times in bed, and not to exhaust herself, so that is causing her lots of depression cause she is not used to be like this, BESIDE, she's too scared because she loves me, and she doesn't want to get hurt, so she wants to make sure of things!

    Make sense?

    then two days later i had plans with her to go out around 11:30pm, in anycase her friend that staying with her for a 15 days vacation called me to tell me that my girl had a fight with her dad, and she was crying like anything, she had a medicine and slept like a baby, i was surprised and shocked, 15 minutes later, her friend called me again, and asked me if i'm free i was like her, she said she's bored so asked me to pick her up, we went for food, and then she asked me to go to some club, we had few drinks, and by the time i realized we are late, it was around 5:00 am, i drove her home, my girl didnt call this morning, and picked my 5th phone, she's extreemly made, and she says it's not jeoulsy, it's disrespect.


    i dont know!!

    The very second day after we spoke over the phone! and tried my best to make things look better, in any case, she calm down, and had plans to go out night where she called me and said she apologies because she will sleep early cause she wants to go with her dad to do something, i was like ok, i went out with a friend of mine, around 2:00 am, some inner voice told me to go to some club that she likes, i went there, i was shocked that she was in there with her girl friend, they were just so beautiful, and stunning, when she saw me, she was shocked, she didn't know what to do, she asked me to have a seat, but i didn't feel like it, so she freaked out and got scared, i believe she knew that i felt so bad, and she couldn't guess what my reaction would be, so she asked me to drive them home, i was like ok, i did, and she refused to have a conversation about what's happening, she was like we can talk over the phone, i was like no problem, i called her, she answered after 5 times, and she sounded so rude, and b*tch, in any case, we had an agreement that we both are not feeling ok at the moment, so we better talk the next morning, so i hang up,


    this morning i called her, she didn't answer, i thought she might be busy or something, i called and called, she's never there, i even text her, though nobody is in there to replay!

    i don't give a f**k, but i want to know what the hell is happening!!

    i had this conversation with her, she always been so clear that she wants me, i asked her about if my attention bothers her, and her answer was always: it only makes me special, and different, i always asked her if she needs space, and always answered that she feels beautiful when i do that!

    i dont have a dam clue, i'm just surprised and shocked, i did give her lots attention, but i thought this is something she wants, i dont know if it was not!


    DON'T KNOW NOTHING, i can not even think, i do even feel like my dignity is hurt.

    she called my at her last day from the air port, telling me that the problem is just that her parents are having a divorce, and both of them are fighting about her, dad wants her to live with him, and mum wants her to live with her, so she told me that she loves me, and wants to be with me, and she's so sorry about all what happened!


    by the way,

    the above was what happened in her one month vacation

  2. my gf. she's nice, loving caring, but with lil things that i dont like, but still she is a very good person, but she wants to get married, actually it's my fault, cause when i 1st met her, i got over reacted coz she sounded so different, so i was just treating her like a queen, i dont know after a time we started to talk about commitment, i dont know but i dont feel like it now, i dont see myself marraid soon, i dont know what to do, she has lots of dreams, lots of thoughts and plans, i tried to be honest, i couldnt, i dont know what to do, i just wanted her to be my gf and thats it!

  3. met a girl week ago in the club, we had a very lil chat, and she told me that she knows my ex, we exchanged phone numbers so we stay in touch, three days later I sms her and she called right after she got my message, she invited me to her home as she was having some girlfriends of her in there, i apologized, and we agreed to meet this Tuesday, i met her last night in the same club (am there everyday), she told me has a date, i smile and said it is ok, and basically it was more like friends going out together than a date, she phoned me last night, and said it was to noisy in the club to talk but she wanted to tell me that she thinks it is not a good idea to date, because she is a good friend of my ex, and my ex still has feelings for me ( my ex has a bf ) and it would be hurting for my ex, and she said we can meet someday like friends, or we can go like a group of people out.


    I don't really know what is happening

  4. i see that you and your wife enjoying a high level of communicating and trust, so am wondering why dont u sopport your wife and let her call him ( you r just next to her when she is doing this ), let her just 1st of all see what does he want, maybe he already got the message and wants to apologize, if not, then maybe he is not getting the message, so either she explains to him the idea of you and her r happy being togather, or u can choose law !


    this is what i would do, and by the way that is a real brave thing from u to do, so this way u keep her work ( she doesnt want to burn the bridges) and he gets the message

  5. I promised myself to change, solve my failure with ladies that are lasting for a year so far so there's the scenario:

    Alex (me) is going out to some bar to have some drinks with his guy friend; Alex is just so relaxed enjoying his light hearted mode,

    Alex kept observing all the ladies around, some of them sounded so cute to him, so he just excused his friend and walked to her with his drink were

    They had this conversation:


    Alex: hey, mmm, am little embarrassed about this, but I couldn't help it, I felt I should come and introduce myself to you, Am Alex


    (Alex was so confident and he had that charming smile all the time so he didn't sound like any kind of threats to that lady, as she felt that, as by then she just looked at him, saw a nice average presentable guy introducing himself to her, and said to herself: he is not a bad deal at all.)


    Claudia: awww, hi…. I just didn't expect that… hi Alex…..am Claudia,

    Alex (smiling): basically what good about surprise gifts that they are a surprise, and that what makes them the best gifts.


    ……………..and they went talking and talking…. at the end Alex paused for a while with a smile and said:

    Alex: tell you what Claudia, I have to confess that I didn't have such a good interesting conversation since a while, I don't know, but if you ask me I will really enjoy completing this conversation some other day, do you think we can meet up for a coffee some other time ?


    That when Claudia couldn't say no, and they exchanged there hand phone's numbers and that how Alex met his GF Claudia.



    NOW Wake UP,

    It is me and this is what I will be trying to do this week end!


    Do you think this approach will find its way to the light of success??

    Please inputs… I need it

    Thank you

  6. she is not my boss !

    she is in charge in the place that gathers us !

    so it is kinda of a boss and emloyee thing as she has to be pro !

    am just liking her, and am expressing myself, passing all that in a cute way to her, and am just trying to make the whole thing fun to her, and leavin her the full choice

  7. let me add one more point in here !

    shy girl is a better deal in all cases!

    if we talk about deeper stage in a relation with a shy girl, myself i feel more secure, coz they tend to make u feel worthy, they appreciate everything, beside they really simple girls, they r just so cute and feminine


    i dont have a problem myself, maybe i just sounded so but trust me i dont like when a girl is just counting too much on how guys she can get and how easy is that to her !

  8. Basiclly my dear i will say that u r waiting for her approval, whichs totally wrong, u know what u need to know whichis she likes u back, so breaking that to her isnt the big issue, for now just enjoy this likeness moments which is the best in a relation, and just go through it make her like more and more, and u will just find her telling u so !

    just dont be weak and wait her to give u the approval and make sure she feels that she is wasting her time not dating u !

    good luck

  9. sweet i think theres a good says in arabic that applies to your case !

    every glass just leacks of what in side it !

    in other words so u can understand what i mean ! what he said is just refelects what is in side him and give u an inner picture for him!


    from the other side it could mean that he loves you coz we all know that if someone just cant be a friend after a breakin up it just tells that he is not over you yet !


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