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  1. Is it hard when I touch it? Do you mean his meat and 2 veg??? I dunno, ive never dared venture that far...yet!
  2. yea Ive rubbed his booty a few times and he doesnt stop me. And I always tell him that he has a fine ass. He doesnt touch my ass, but he likes to feel the muscles on my arms!
  3. Jamesy, thanks for that, soo simple yet effective. How foolish not to have thought of it sooner! Curtis, thanks for the warning! Youve reminded me of the risk and sort of brought be back to reality by tellin me about the negative possibilities that cud come as a result. I need to be careful I know. Thanks a million to both of u, it helped!
  4. I havent come out to him but he knows im as gay as the day is old and still comes onto me. I think ur right about spending time with him and figuring him out. Then I'll risk it and tell him I have feelings for him if I get the right signals. Thanks for ur advice once again RayKay it really helps and I appreciate it. Bring on next term baby!
  5. In response to your question Raykay, he does flirt with me a lot and others-whom are also guys. There is quite a lot of touchin, and eye contact between me and him and he's always saying flirtatous things and in his body langauge to. Thanks for ur post it helped! and to everyone else.
  6. ok so everyones tellin me to come out...easier said than done! Cud it not be possible that I tell him and keep my fingers crossed that he is gay, so that way i dont have to come out. Im pretty sure he is gay, im like 99.9 per-cent sure he is curious. I know the consequences if hes not. But if he is gay then i dont need to come out to my family. I do plan to come out, but not just yet. Do I take the risk?
  7. nah, anyway for some strange reason women always seem to be attracted to gay men. And the guys gay so I wudnt worry if a woman was checkin him out
  8. Im 16 years old and soon to be starting colledge next week. Im gay but not out, but everyone more or less knows I am- though i will deny it and try to cover it up, its still noticeable! I fancy this guy in my year a lot and recently he's been 'flirting' with me. I mean i dont know if he's being serious or not. Not to long ago I remember he used to act quite homophobic, but now he has changed and acts quite camp and 'flirts' with a few other guys. Now im confused as hell! Is he curious or even gay but in the closet? And shud I tell him how I feel? Im afraid that if ive read him wrong the whole school will find out and my parents and I will be soo embarrished coz i dont want ppl to find out Im gay that way. Help!
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