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Posts posted by MojoPin

  1. What you have is a perversion, its not that big a deal just try and focus on something else, it sounds to me like you look at too much porn and need something more different to get off to now,


    Try masterbating less and if you cant try different types of fetish like fatties or mature women.

    I think you should read up on the effects these things have on young children in detail, it should help you feel disgusted at what these kids are being put through and so on.


    also id d/l some stuff to clear your computer of the stuff, the government are tracking down people who visits those sites all the time.

  2. you guys are too obsessed with love, i mean he never mentioned any relationship problems, i know when i get messed up its ussually nothing to do with love, i just feel like theres something wrong with me and i need to find something new.


    being depressed is normal its just your brain telling you something needs to change, just ignore anything holding you back and try doing things completely differently youve got nothing to lose right.

  3. I really think your getting a bit too concerned about this, i mean if it was something serious like cocaine then i would totally understand where your coming from, the reality is as others have said weed is far less dangerous than alcohol and most people have smoked it at some point.


    Mary jane is not addictive, it is a very mild drug and you cannot overdose on it.


    Answering your questions,


    I started smoking weed when i was much younger and like most kids i was just interested in what getting high was like.


    Nothing keeps me from quitting i could and have stopped smoking pot for months before,

    its just a fun way to look at life in a different perspective and enjoy things like music on a deeper level.


    I hope this has helped you understand more about this drug, i suggest that you try smoking it to understand more about it,

    you wont get addicted and you probably wont be so worried about what your boyfriend is doing after you have seen how harmless it really is.

  4. I've had similer things happen before but im too suspicious of girls,

    I mean if she had given you the number herself then go for it,

    but otherwise id think about whether or not it was just them having a bit of a joke as it would be very embarrassing if they were and you called her.

  5. Just live for the present, not the past or future,

    and if the present sucks so bad then you will instintively find things to make you happy(its human nature to do this).


    About what you said about theres nothing to look forward too i would agree there,

    as the future is undecided and will always let you down sometimes and when it doesent you will take it for granted.


    This is why i dont think too far ahead, anyway try not to get depressed about any of this

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