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Everything posted by market85

  1. Thank you for answering to my troubled being.....its not bcuz i was shy that i didn't talk to him, i was weak since i knew that he knew that i liked him, cuz the intermediate asked him if he was interested and my crush said no. I thought about talking to this guy but i find that its the hardest thing to do since his friends are very present. I am afraid that he will tell his friends about me talking him trough this....nways i still don't understant why he had to go to the point where he yells fat b*tch in the school alleys everytime i pass by...i don't think that i have been so rude to him or disrespected him, how come he didn't act the same way with the other girl!!!!
  2. used to have a crush on this guy at the end of novemeber 2003 and then it became more serious as i noticed that he had started to notice me. All of a sudden, he was saying hi to me and bye everytime that he could since we didn't have any other conversational subjects. After a month, i decided to tell one of his very good who is a friend of mine to try to find out if the guy that i liked, liked me. After 2 or 3 weeks, i finally got an answer. The guy said that he wasnt into me and well that he wasn't into any other girls (btw, he isn't gay...lol). Once i got the bad news, i couldn't look at him anymore i felt so disgraced and i didn't know what to do with myself, since i was stuill a good friend of his friend it was even harder. So everytime that i would c my friend my crush was with him, so the thing is that for one month i totally ignored the guy. For example, they would be together and i wouldn't even say hi to him but i would talk so much with my friend. So after a while, i started hearing mean names. Now, I am sure that it isn't a coincidence anymore. Everytime that i would pass by i would here "fat *****", now what u have to know is that i ain't fat, a bit chubby but not fat, i weight around 160lbs. and i am 5'6 Anyways and so since the month of april or so, he hasn't stopped yelling that name out everytime that i would pass by. Another thing is that there was that girl that had a huge crush on him, but she didn't care about him knowing about it...she would tell anyone that she knew and he obviously heard about uit very fast but he didn't seem to really care, like he didn't diss her but the only difference is that she didn't stop talking to him she just continued talking to him like everything was normal!!!! Now i don't know if this guy is mad at me bcuz i didn't talk to him after i heard that he didn't feel anything for me. U have to understand that it was really hard for me to face him, my pride was hurt...... Guys please can u help me and tell whats going on!!!! I haven't done anything bad to this guy besides ignoring him bcuz i didn't have the guts to face him!!!!!!!!!!!
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