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Everything posted by Jibralta

  1. Arrival So good. For the first half of the movie, I was like, "eh, this kinda sucks." But then it became awesome.
  2. Vangelis Memories of Green [video=youtube;Cg0cmhjdiLs] ]
  3. But first, another hard to find rare one: Lexaunculpt Le Elancholia [video=youtube;Mwu5Oda5E1E] ]
  4. This song would go good with the Blade Runner soundtrack. At least Memories of Green, by Vangelis Bluetech Cliffdiving [video=youtube;b4BqgNytu7A] ]
  5. This is one of those songs where I feel like, "Thank god for YouTube." Because you can't find it anywhere to purchase. At least you couldn't a few years ago. I haven't checked lately. But thank god for YouTube, either way. Ataraxia Il Palco No. 5 [video=youtube;8PCLiiXq11A] ]
  6. On a bus trip from Rome to Siena, I listened to these two pieces of music on loop, over and over again. They matched the oddness of the passing landscape well. Eluvium - I Will Not Forget that I Have Forgotten Qntal - Passacaglia This is Eluvium: [video=youtube;UWprc1h5IQs] ]
  7. More delight-inspiring pathos Amber Asylum Riviera I love when it dives [video=youtube;b6VvGdGX2nU] ]
  8. Edward Elgar Cello Concerto, 1st Movement Performed by Jacqueline du Pré, who died young [video=youtube;OH0jUQTCCQI] ]
  9. I really like the gut-wrenching unharmonious kind of music. Makes me happy, for some reason. I know that's weird, but it's true. Ernest Bloch Nigun from Baal Shem [video=youtube;V0ANiMxI8FU] ]
  10. I think this is such an awesome song. Hello From the Other Side Adele [video=youtube;YQHsXMglC9A] ]
  11. The drums in Some Nights brought this song to mind. I love it. My Brightest Diamond Pressure [video=youtube;CePpTXIuQzY]
  12. I really like this guy's voice Fun Some Nights The most amazing thing Can come from Some terrible lies [video=youtube;qQkBeOisNM0] ]
  13. The Who Love Reign on Me Such a cool song. [video=youtube;gDbAtWpoA6k] ]
  14. I love this song and its video. It brings me back to being a kid: A girl deeply in love with a boy, but tempted away from him by the whole world stretching out before her. Life goes on, but she always remembers him. Down on the West Coast, I get this feeling like It all could happen that's why I'm leaving You for the moment You for the moment, Boy Blue, yeah you [video=youtube;oKxuiw3iMBE] ]
  15. The vibe of this song, the speed, and the chaotic scraps of melody that punctuate throughout remind me of a horseback riding experience that I had in Italy. I can really ride, and after my guide realized it, he took me galloping through the fields and hills. It was so exciting and wonderful. I could hardly hold my horse back. Somehow, this song captures those feelings for me. [video=youtube;xQLvO8qHqcM] ]
  16. This was a big favorite when I was 7 or 8. I practically wore a groove into the record. Listening to it now, I'm surprised that I liked it. My tastes have changed so much since then that it's almost alien to me. But I can still pick out elements that I really like, changes to minor keys, the crescendos. It's just interesting. [video=youtube;tcgzfqIXk8A] ]
  17. LOVED this song when I was a kid [video=youtube;Q5EME6LhOSo] ]
  18. Jana McCall Still [video=youtube;D-ZtI0EPXXY] ]
  19. ^It's amazing how his rendition changes that song. Eleni Mandell Tiny Waist [video=youtube;eDtR8IzsNxY] ]
  20. I like cold beverages Stick it in the fridge Stick it in the fridge Stick it in the fridge Stick it in the fridge [video=youtube;3L2Lz4vRnUY] ]
  21. I've never been much of a fan of Michael Bolton's music, but this song/video made me a fan of the man! [video=youtube;GI6CfKcMhjY] ]
  22. Speaking of pop artists who I thought sucked, but who then turned out to be pretty good, I give you John Mayer. Turns out he he just masquerades as a crappy pop star. [video=youtube;Fo4746XZgw8] ]
  23. I really like Shakira. I bought Fijación Oral, Vol. 1 because of this song, but the whole album was surprisingly good. I never liked her radio singles much, so it was a pleasant surprise. [video=youtube;Dsp_8Lm1eSk] ]
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