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Everything posted by friggintiered

  1. all you had to do was say that i was nothing but sex to you and maybe this could have ended differently. instead every time i sugested that is all we are you fought to convince me otherwise, fought to convince me that i was special to you, that we are special to you. in the end you tossed me aside like an empty bag of chips, braking it off by saying you love someone else when just a week before you held me in your arms telling me how special what we have is to you. it is true that all the signs were there, the time it took you to contact me, the silly excuses that i could always see through but explained away because i wanted to believe in you. i was (am) a naive fool, something inside me still wants to believe that what we had was more then nothing. still wants to believe that somewhere inside there is a decent humen being. you left me feeling worthless and alone.
  2. how easily you kicked me out of your life, made me feel so worthless. through all the lies and manipulations my feelings for you still overwhelm me. i have every reason to be mad, every reason to hate you to the core. sadly all i want to do is hold you in my arms and tell you that i love you. i realize now that i mean nothing to you, that while i sit here depressed longing for you odds are i dont even cross your mind. all those sweet words were wind, all those sweet embraces were no more then your need for some warmth. you simply used me, it is one of the worst feelings i have ever expirienced.
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