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  1. I was just about to contact my ex but thought I would consult this site for the first time in a while... It has been about a month since my last contact... we did find eachother on messenger once but I said I had to go pretty much straight away... So, thanks to you, I´m abstaining from contact still. Its been 7 months but I still wake up with that sick feeling in my stomach... I still think she is the one... and I still think I will get back with her... at least I want to But I am learning to be patient and the last time we spoke we fought and I´m not sure if she is still angry with me, exasperated or she just doesn´t even think about me (the worst scenario). I want to see how she is, friends have said to just call her then but they don´t have your experience. She has just moved to Denmark (I´m in Spain) and is doing a course there for 2 years.... If she gave the word, I would move to Denmark like that!! Anyway, for now, I´m not going to send her anything... I did include her in a groupy about what I´m doing and my new Spanish mobile number etc though... was that ok at least?? ... thinking about it... she now knows what I´m doing so won´t bother to contact me to tell me what she is doing
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