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Posts posted by Runnergrl

  1. What do you do when you make your come? Tell him this and maybe it will happen quicker. I didn't come for a long time (either way) when I first became sexually active. Even told my current boyfriend I don't come a lot, so don't feel bad when we began making love. But, I come like a mad women with him. I always try to clear my mind, think about how good everything feels, how much I love him and just totally become apart of the experience and usually I come.


    Do not be afraid to tell him what you want!


    Good luck!

  2. Hello..

    What makes you so attached? I think you need to really examine your feelings and decide what is it that you are scared of losing. Just having someone there? Is living together causing more drama? You guys need to TALK! Try to REALLY get to the root cause of the problem. What types of things does he feel are self destructive?


    I don't think you should hold on b/c it is what you are comfortable with. Try to talk to him..let him speak (no interrupting) and express yourself. But, I think you may need to do some thinking on your own regarding why you are still with this person. Is it love or dependency?


    I do hope that it works out for the best and you become happy with your decision.

  3. YIKES! The first time always hurts. I swear it didn't get good for me until a year later! You must relax...think about how much you love me, how good he feels...think of all five senses..how he looks, smells, taste, feels on top of you and maybe you will relax. Use a condom and lube! Don't be too hard on yourself if it doesn't happen the way you want it to. Don't rush it. It will be great. Be safe!

  4. Sounds like you just need to take action and give her your number of vice versa. You have established a friendship and since she's talking to you, I'm sure she has a similar interest. So, just go on and do it! Good luck!

  5. Hello all. It really is sick how many posts of women are on this forum wanting to get married and the guy doesn't. What's up with these guys? What's up with us women? I wonder what makes us want it sooooo bad and makes males sooooo scared?!?


    Anyway..why did you decide to move in with him? Did you think it would help you get engaged quicker? I'm coming from a different perspective b/c I'm a devout Christian and wouldn't live with a male...but what do you think would "push" him to marry you when you all ready have everything a marriage does (except a ring)?


    Maybe he is still thinking he is too young...I just think marriage freaks out men like crazy! It is forever!


    I don't know if there ever a correct answer for this situation. I think "women's intuition" is the only thing that will help. Do you really think (DEEP DOWN) that this guy will marry you? Have any of your friends given advice? Maybe they can see it better from the outside.


    Do you feel like you are wasting your time or are you trying to grow and enjoy what you have?


    Much success with your situation.

  6. Long distance can suck. I just got through my long distance relationship. He was 4 hours away, saw him about once-twice a month. We both looked for jobs and he found one where I am (where he/we are from).


    Is this relationship long term? Is it possible for your boyfriend to look for jobs where you are? What is the plan for you two?


    How long have you been 1.5 hours apart?


    Try to appreciate the time you have together. As far as the job, NETWORK. See if your bf knows anyone who can recommend jobs. Go to job fairs, try job placement agencies, etc.


    Much success to you!

  7. I just got through a long distance relationship ( 4 hrs-post college) and it was tough. VERY TOUGH. But he is now moving home (see my post in relationship commitment


    Anyway, I think if you guys have great chemistry and are willing to put forth the effort, go for it. It is very different when leaving for college however. You will meet so many new people and wouldn't want to hold the other back.


    Have you talked to her about this? You seem to be making assumptions. Talk about it and remember if you decide to do it.. communicate often and honestly!

  8. Please help!


    Here's the story...

    I've been dating a guy for about 4.5 years. (known each other for 9 years, high school, college, the whole nine yards). The last 2 years have been long distance. He is moving back home so we can be together. This is great right? Well sort of..


    I really want to marry him. He is not ready. There is no doubt in his mind I'm the one for him, he loves me dearly, but needs to be around me everyday since we haven't had that in so long. His parents were recently divorced and I think this has also affected him. I do not doubt his love. I truly believe he will marry me, but when?


    We are truly best friends. I recognize how much he is giving up for moving, but I guess I'm being greedy and wanting more. We will not be living together (Christian lady here), but we will be about 10 minutes apart.


    I don't know how long I can wait for a proposal. Am I wasting my time and how do you know how long you should wait?


    I'm new to the forum...hope I did this right.



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