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Posts posted by skyteph

  1. Now days a girls got to put herself out there, let a guy know she's interested, make it OBVIOUS without straight out saying an awkward "I like you". So my question is, how did you and your girl/boyfriend get together, and what are some alternative things to say instead of "I like you" (but still giving a similar message).

  2. This one guy who I have never talked to before, but have of course seen around, has suddenly started...teasing me!

    Two days ago he walked past and pointed at my face. Yesterday he told me that my legs had no tan and looked white to him. Today he walks up behind me, screams my name, then tells my friends that I wear too much make up and he feels like just going up to me and scratching it off. He then, about 20 meters away, screamed that I wore too much make up.


    Before this started I had never had ANY contact with him. What the fudge is up?

  3. I think that as curious as you are, you shouldn't worry about meeting your birth mum. You have a loving family now, and they are prepared to give you as much information about your heritage as they can. Personally, I think your mum was kind of selfish for getting pregnant just for the sake of it, when she knew she couldn't keep you and your other siblings who you may never meet. However at the same time, by doing this she's made your new family very happy because they get to love you.


    In my opinion maybe finding your siblings would be a better quest, but then that's just me, and others may disagree.

  4. She wore tight pants, big deal. Maybe the pants were fashionable or she just liked them. Everyone is assuming she's the bad person here because she wore /tight pants/!

    Also why is she such a bad person, even though her penis comment may have been out of line (although for all we know, justified), since Shim is replying to her with comments as equally derogatory? You both have no respect for each other, and you both are at fault.


    I agree that you probably shouldn't have a relationship with her, but because you's just aren't connecting, not because of something she's done wrong.

  5. And then, yeah, I dunno, he'd given me his number so the next day I rang him, chatted with him for a bit and then was like, yeah, what is up with us?? Are we going out? And he was like, yeah, of course! And thats how it happened.


    A month later I dumped him coz we just felt like we were friends; we hadn't really gotten to know eachother before we started going out (let alone know eachother sober and we'd rushed into it too fast. Yeah.. just goes to show ya lol


    Lol! Romantic

  6. "Boy steph, you keep trying to get into arguments with me. Your all over me. And you don't even know me. Kinda easy aren't you, going after a guy you barely know like that. And going after a guy that much older. What would that make you? But don't worry, I kinda like the attention, even though you probably do it with everyother guy."


    LOL, who the hell is Steph, and that in no way is the flirting we're talking about.

  7. Then later I told her I was surprized that she liked me because I have a self esteem issue. This is the worst mistake I have -ever- made with any girl. She even said to me it was a turn off, hah.


    Dear god, I'm wincing in pain /for/ you. We never want to know that a guy has no self esteem...it like, changes the whole way we see you


    ShySoul wrote:

    There is a difference in flirting (which is fine, fun, and works) and teasing (which by its very definition is of annoyance and irritating, I just looked it up).



    But this isn't just teasing, it's using teasing with a positive spin TO flirt.


    then is in not just called flirting???


    Yes, it is, and teasing is the style of flirting.

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