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Posts posted by SaRaH69

  1. well i think im going to ask my parents if i can live with one of my aunts for a little while because of this problem. but im not very sure that they will let me. but hey who knows, maybe they will ask me if i wanna move in with them. man that would be great. But i was think i dont know which one to move in with if i got to move in with one. because one has kids and the other does. but one of my aunts has one on the way. so its like woah but if you wanna talk to me about it im online all the time maddchillgurl420 or my sn but im ALWAYS on jamin945girl7 talk to you later

    sarah {wish me luck}

  2. Hey this is for anyone that has a tattoo or knows anyone that has one! I am going this week to get a tattoo and I was wondering, if it really hurts I mean like woah. lol and I wanted to know how many times does the needle go in you. Let me know thanks!


  3. Hey, I'm yr same age too! Uh anyways... My life is similar too yr's. But hey I don't like talking about my life/feelings with other people either. Its almost like they are going to judge you or something. But hey look at me I want to committee suicide! I smoke weed, look where it got me...no where! My life sucks I'm sure it doesn't even compare to mine! Mine is so much worst it aint even funny! I listen to Emimen too when I'm wicked pissed off or when I'm about to slit my wrists. My advice to u is that u should just tell yr parents dot be like me and try to committee suicide!



  4. Hi I'm am 14 year old girl and I'm sure that you don't want to listen to me because I'm younger than you but I just want you to listen to me. I was bulimic for about 3 years and when my parents found out they didn't really do anything about it I though that they would flip my mother though that I was a rebel and that I was doing this because I hated her. {which I don't hate her by they way}. They way that they found out is that I had to go to the dentist and he said that my teeth were gross. He asked me if I was bulimic or course I denied it but he knew it. he told my parents, they took me to the doctor the doctor told them that the dentist was right and I had to stop. It was extremely serious (where I was) Because I almost killed myself doing it. But anyways the point that I'm getting at is that I think you should get some help!! PLEASE!


  5. but see my parents arent the type that you can just go up to and say hey by the way i've been think of killing myself. i dont know how i can say it to them. but i also dont want to get treated like im a physoipathic person.

  6. I need help like a lot of help. I am think about suicide...well for a long time now. But if i sit down and think about i don't think that i want to die but i have no pros and my cons i don't know what to do. i want to tell my parents because i know that i need help and i want to get help but see the thing is if i don't get help i know that my head is going to take over and i know that something is going to take pleace weather it be killing myself or trying to kill myself can someone please give me any ideas to tell my parents that i am thinking about suicide. like when i get really mad at them and want to just wish that they weren't there i think about saying it then like "OMG and people think I'm just kidding when i say i seriously want to commit suicide" or something like that so and someone please give me some ideas on how i can get help and or how i can tell my parents so that they cab get me help?? thanks

  7. Hi i am a women and I have never learned how to masterbate. When ever i've tryed it i dont get nice feeling i should get. so i think i might be doing it wrong cna someone out there please help me!! thanks

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