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Everything posted by JDdco

  1. I don't understand. I just don't understand. We were so happy. So happy with our move, so happy with the great place in the heart of the city that I found and we bought. So many future plans. How did it change so suddenly? How? I've never cheated on you. I've never been abusive to you. We never fought about money. I was welcoming off the idea of your mom moving here with us in severs years. Could I have worked harder on some of my anxiety and control issues? Absolutely. And I was apparently selfish at times without fully realizing it. But never once did I realize or fully comprehend the pain that you are now saying I caused. And apparently for the entirety of our marriage? How could I have? I thought we had a good marriage, with typical immature fights on occasion. We were still saying I love you all day everyday, still talking about future plans, everything was a "we" discussion and I was your best friend, your own weirdos. But now? Nothing, nothing that I ever thought was making you unhappy with the entirety of our marriage. And then you blurt out that you don't want kids, when we've been talking about and making plans for such during most of our marriage. What. The. F***. I'm so lost. And hurt. And sad. I should probably move on, but I can't give up. I will do anything to save our marriage.
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