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  1. ok there is this girl i like and i think she likes me too.for example, she would always stare at me for long periods of time and she would sometimes say some things to me out of nowhere and while she stared at me she would turn around and smile afterwards and she would act kinda nervous, and sometimes during p.e. when we would play softball she would get closer and closer til she was next to me and to see if it was me she was trying to stand next to so i would move over and she would move with me. for awhile i have had the feeling this girl likes me .one of her friends told me she doesnt really go out with many people because she has so many options but she isnt really one of her closer friends. once when she was with one of her closer friends at a short distance she looked right at me and whispered something into her friends ear and then her friend looked at me and then she said something back and the girl i like started nodding and smiling.the problem is that i was too afraid to ask her out and the schoolyear has ended but i found out she is going to the same highschool as me.so i will see her again and i am planning to ask her then but i need to know wether you guys agree that she likes me and if i should ask her. please help and write back soon cuz i really like this girl. and i am in desperate need of help.
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