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Everything posted by kalika66

  1. You made your bed the day you walked out of my home and into hers, and now she's pregnant, irreversible damage. Something that you, and I, will have to live with for life.
  2. Was told I'll be getting made redundant today. You were the first person I thought to tell. Maybe I'm craving your familiarity to make me feel better. I feel so lost and alone, like every time things seem to be getting better they just get worse. I know I can't cave in now, not when it comes toyou and not when it comes to fighting the hardship. I just hate it that we couldn't work. Why couldn't you be there to support me, why do you have to be so useless and dysfunctional?
  3. How could you be so cold, how could you move on with her without even looking back at me. 3, nearly 4 years I gave to you and you can't even respond to me. I know why, because you're guilty and can't face up to It. You'll not speak to me now I know, me saying that I want out of your drama will have ensured that, and I won't speak to you either. I need to take you not speaking to me as an opportunity to move on, without you trying to win me over with your constant lies and manipulation. I genuinely believe that you're a narcissist, incapable of genuine human emotion, living and preying on people, their vulnerabilities and kindness in order to receive constant admiration. It doesn't matter who the admiration cones from, as long as it's coming thick and fast. I guess you can tell you've drained me dry, I've started to see you for.what you are so im no good to you anymore, you've moved onto fresh meat.
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