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  1. The two of you have been so great, I expected to be called every name in the book for doing something so wrong, seeing someone else's huband, yet the two of you have been so comforting, I read your replies a couple times a day for strenghth...because they were great and help me through the day...I look so forward to reading them.Thank you two angels for helping me through a tough time that I only have myself to blame for getting into. And thank you so much for understanding what I am going through and not calling me names I so rightfully know I deserve like tramp, and etc.
  2. I told him not to call, yet I am hurt that he use to call and said he would call me back after we spoke on Fri. and now nothing, no calls... why am I upset, this is the right thing, I just expected him to follow up and call me, try to be with me, maybe I was just great sex to him! So heart broken, I really expected that I had gotten him to love me.. he said he did. He seemed so sincere, now I am confused.
  3. It meant alot to me to hear this advice from a man, women always tend to feel that men never can hurt like we do, it was great! Why does it hurt so much?
  4. I feel so torn, yet I know I can't ask anyone to feel bad for me because I brought this on to myself, seeing a married man while I too am married. When I ask him not to call me and he does I feel hurt, but happy that he is thinking of me, yet when he does not call (3 days, so far) I feel hurt and lonely. I know deep inside I did the right thing to end it, it feels good to do the right thing, but bad that I am loosing a great man.. although younger than me he is the best, hard worker, great person and compliments me all the time! What now he will not leave his wife, he just got married to her and they have been together for many years, he tells me that had he known he could feel this way for someone he never would of married her although she is his best friend, he says he feels no passion for her and sexually and emotionally I am what he wants, but he tells me he is afraid of what the fam. will say about him after she waited so many years for him, for him to walk out after a few months. How do I cope with my feelings if he lives next to me.
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