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Everything posted by SadLaura

  1. P - I love you very much. I always will. I miss your silliness, your impressions, your jokes, your kindness. How you cared. The hugs when I wanted them. I miss it all. But, you let it all go wrong. Politics ate into your soul like a cancer. Your head has been turned by a girl who has broken up so many marriages. You controlled me, belittled me, blamed me for not being able to have children. The first months of us living together was so full of fun, so many laughs. Freedom. But it all changed. Image, how you were perceived, votes, elections where all that mattered. I even had to ask you for a time slot when I could discuss the things that interested/worried me. Yet I did everything for you and loved you without condition. This is how you repaid me. I was broken, I was dying in front of you and what did you say to me that night? I'm sorry your so unhappy but I've never been happier. YOu pushed me to a breakdown. You were meant to care and you didn't. You threw me away like a used tissue. I really hope one day you heart gets broken like you broke mine. I hope you look in the mirror when your 60 or 70, when your political career is over, and just think of what you've done. And now I have to move on. I cannot let you keep hurting me. So I wish you luck with your new love. I wish you luck ruling the world. Just watch out for the knives in your back - the ones you couldn't see and the ones I told you where there. So I'm putting you and our memories in a balloon and letting you go. Fly off to where you want to go. Goodbye, then.
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