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Posts posted by CC

  1. i totally understand you. when i was told "i don't love you anymore" i became a wreck! i lost 10 kgs in one week, fainted every other day, big bags on my eyes from lack of sleep and crying and my scalp was flaking from stress! i had to quit work and go overseas to cry on mum and dad's lap!


    its been 7 months now and i have improved a lot. sometimes you just dont see yourself improving but when you look back, you will see how much better you are now.


    its so hard to deal with all this but you have to remember, its all about you now. you have been longer with yourself that anyone else so make sure you take care of yourself.

  2. well here's something a little funny and annoying make you laugh or say yuck. very similar story. he said his feelings have changed after 7 years so we broke up. i tried NC but i was really bad at it so i decided to go overseas and visit my parents. after 2 weeks of being away, he sends me a text message asking what to do if he gets a pimple!?!?!?!?!?!?! how sad!

  3. well well...what you did is exactly what my ex did to me...although i am very angry at what happened, i know that he did what his heart was telling him.. it hurts but at the same time it wouldnt have worked out if he never told me... breaking up is always going to hurt ... it will take time for me to get over things but being friends right away is just too soon.

  4. bostonchiiiica

    i understand what you mean. its been 5 months since my ex and i broke up and i admit i still get reminded of him a lot. i'm getting better though and i am sure you will too. i guess we just have to hang in there huh? here's something you can try, everytime something reminds you of him, think of something he did that really hurt you, that way you'd rather not think about it at all. sometimes i try avoid the things (food, places and activities) that remind me of him but i also try to remind myself that life goes on and i should keep up the things i do that make me ME. it can be scary knowing that "the other half" isn't there anymore but we have to learn to be happy being with ourselves because that is the only person who will always be there for us. wish you the best!

  5. hey i'm going through the same as you. i keep on begging for a second chance. i can't seem to stop contacting my ex but i'm going away hoping that he will miss me. i really hope things go well for you. i know what it feels like being told that "it just didnt work out" and then feeling really bad about it because you never got a chance to work it out. i feel your pain and i hope you get better.

  6. wow, what you wrote was great. i guess you are right. its the fear of being alone, especially for the ones that lived-in together. i guess haven't stepped out of the fog completely yet. i just have to listen to my friends tell me how much better i have become and actually believe it! i'm sure someday i'll be strong and look back at my whole break up as a lesson rather than a failure.

  7. you are doing so well! good on ya. my friend went through the same (she had time apart/ broke up with her partner) and she told me that everytime he tried to contact her, she wanted him back less and less. so keep it up! i didn't follow the no contact rule and made a fool out of myself. you gotta have pride girl!

  8. i'm going through the same as you. everytime i get sad and start looking back, i head of to the gym! sweat it all out! i tried body combat to let my anger out too! after a good work out i feel much happier - plus looking better too. i know its hard but i always remind myself that a man that truly loves me will not make me feel sad and make me cry so much. the right one will make me even happier than before.

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