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Posts posted by lonelysoul

  1. I can't seem to motivate myself even while I know how important it would be to study now and get good papers


    if you dont feel motivated enough, are you sure that you are doing the subjects you need for said future career?


    one of the reasons exam pass rates are up is because those who don't want to go to school/college/uni won't. why should they if they dont want to?


    some do go off to do an apprentership, get a job, etc!

  2. first, i havent posted in so long because of compputer crashes, job, work etc. so sorry.


    anyways, just did my AS-Levels (for those in USA, dunno what the equivalent is,err,exams at 17/18)did pants on them.


    this is because i was studying subjects i didnt want too. i was forced into copying my brothers subjects because they did well in them, by parents and teachers.


    now repeating AS levels with subjects that I WANT TO DO.


    so the message to the 15-17 yr olds is this; think about your future, what it entales, chose the subjects that are suitable and more importantly-ones that you will enjoy! it is your life, your career and nobody elses.


    by all means share it with whoever you trust, but you must not live out your parents dreams, friends ambitions etc.


    before choosing a career or subjects or whatever say this to yourself;


    "This is MY life, and this is what I want to happen"

  3. thanks for the great answrs.


    kaboom said about desire. i have to admit i dont desire men in the same way as women, but i would like to experience something with a man, like me pleasuring him, or him me. sorry if that doesn't make sense or is contradictive.


    a lot of questions neve!


    as above i wouldnt mind pleasuring a man, or him to do the same to me. its not a constant gay feeling, but i find some guys as sexy as girls. though i have had some girlfriends, i wouldnt really want a boyfriend. and i would say i get aroused by Avril Lavigne, Jennifer Ellision, Britney etc. on a sexual level, not an admiration level. going down on any of the above celebs would be a dream come true! though i wouldnt hesitate to go down on a guy if he was allright.

  4. woah, lot of stuff been happening while ive been away.errr...god this is stupid. anyway.


    totally honest here!: being 17, surely i'm past 'phases' of growing up stuff, but recently i've started fantasising about my guy friends and sex and making out with them and stuff. ive always been kinda 'fruity' playful and flamoyant but never thought of myself as being gay before.


    i dunno tho, i still fancy the high holy hell out of some girls like celebs and stuff, so im unsure.


    oh and another thing, im sure most guys have some porn(like me), recently i downloaded some gay stuff out of interest.


    let me know your thoughts, please

  5. thanks a lot everyone! some great replys up there.


    me and my gf are getting along really really great, although i'm still a bit cautious about asking her what she enjoys, mainly worried about scaring her off or making her feel uncomfortable.


    but like i said, we both feel great with each other so i might just go for it, i wont know otherwise.


    there shudnt be any problems cuz a few days ago we were both at my house kissing on the sofa (empty house of course) both feeling really sexy so i kinda stroked her breasts and i felt her smile while we were kissing so i guess she enjoyed it..?

  6. for ivory: a wet dream usually involves an erotic dream when a guy ejaculates, basically


    its a totally normal way to get rid of excess semen if u dont masterbate as regularly, i think u have less of them the older u get.

  7. im 17 so by now i shoud be fairly 'developed' yes?


    only i think theres summot wrong with my foreskin. it retracts back over the 'head' and stays there no trouble, but then it begins to hurt if i dont move it back so that it covers the head again. does this require circumsision ?


    i wonder because sometimes after retracting the skin, small tears appear at the end of the foreskin which bleed ever so slightly. i also find it difficult to actually cum, and after trying my penis turns dark red like a bruised colour.


    i really need some help please, thanx

  8. can i just add this: from my experience.


    im a 17 yrold guy and i used to get depressed, a lot. i felt awful and didnt care about anything. i then turned anorexic ( dunno if its les common in guys.) and my friends kinda turned on me, mocked and insulted me.


    i then met my best mate Rob, who understood i guess, and we got on really well and i stopped being anorexic (tho not overnight) . so, a lot of it is all about confidence and feeling good in urself.

  9. i personally think there is a kinda pressure from friends/tv etc to get a g/f / b/f wenever u can and get kissing. but u shudnt be influenced!


    im 17, not ben kissed yet, but im not fussing running around begging to kiss someone. if i meet someone i fancy ill get chatting and if we go out we'll kiss.


    dont feel pressured into doing something just because everyone else is !

  10. like above, for me getting kissed on the neck is nice, but this can go vice-versa as well.


    hands and arms can be good during kissing as well, depending on the intamacy level. u might want to wrap your arms around him, or keep ur hands on or just above his bum.


    i would only recommend feeling each other or 'exploring the more private areas' until ur ready or wen u want too, like u sed, only u know how far u want to go and wen.


    have fun...

  11. i know about this because it honestly happened to me, infact i posted one about it a while ago titled foreskin que or summot.


    i have a slightly tight foreskin, so i had to do bits at a time, dont try and pull it all the way back all at once if it hurts. if u have a bath itll relax and stretch more, so just do it every now and then a bit at a time, until it goes below the head.


    for me it still hurts when its below the head, i dont know if this is just me or not, let me know how u go

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