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Posts posted by TheDoctor

  1. Chai do us all a favor and call your ex and get it over with. Your giving people advice you shouldnt be giving, your makine 4 posts a second about this subject when we all told you what you should do. If you feel you should shed your emotions go ahead. But stop flipping out my man. What your failing to realize is this; through NC you get time to spend with yourself and she does to herself so both of you can realize if you want to move on or not. This is what you need to do and figure out if you want to let go or not. You dont know yet because you havent given the damn thing a chance. You can cry, stress ALL YOU WANT. Just stop stressin about the NC. Be strong..dont ask why and NO active ways exsist at this point imo that will take care of the business. If talking things out maturely would solve it you wouldnt be here in the 1st place.

  2. sounds like your ex has a lot of problems that have nothing to do with you. she has low self-esteem. it's not okay to threaten to kill one's self if your boyfriend says he's leaving you. and one should never feel like one is going to die if one's bf or gf leaves them. that just means you are already miserable. so i'd say your ex is probably sadder than you are, yes. but i think the reasons for that have nothing to do with the breakup and everything to do with her self-esteem and the way it was throughout the relationship.


    so your saying shes sadder than me overall but not about the breakup itself? Meaning she isnt as sad about the breakup as me?

  3. First dont seem too needy .....your headed in a direction already of coming off to desperate. Stand strong and no matter what dont break down and be emotional...although it feels logical to be like that girls hate it....and lastly as far as romance goes get some candles, take out food, and ask her if shed like a massage and take it from there.

  4. Hey you all know my story. So many people on this board always feel that they are the sad ones while their ex's are away and happy. My question is....am I foolish to believe the opposite? I really always felt it was her not I that would be sad in the end....although I felt id be sadder earlier on because she had her ex bf to go to (although he doesnt consider himself anything more than a fling and not an ex bf) and I had nothing. Im not gonna get really into that but all you need to know is throughout the entire relationship my ex believed she couldnt do better than me. She would bluntly say it throughout the entire thing till the end of our relationship that," I can never do better than you everyone knows that." That comment saddened me because I didnt want her to feel insecure.


    Then, whenever we'd breakup shed cry so hard and beg me to come back. Shed threaten to kill herself if we ever broke up and said shed die without me. Infact, at first when I got to know her whenever Id even say something like hey we need to talk tonight shed panic and say are we breaking up omg no please! Id say relax I just wanted to talk about our upcoming trip.....Then, the day before we officially broke up same thing..she sensed problems and panicked and held my hand under the table and was stressing. Now, dont read this and think well SHE JUST HAD ENOUGH OF YOUR BREAKUPS because this isnt the case. We only brokeup a total of 3 times total and 2 of them were those fake breakups that you just needed time to think through. The last one was the real one.


    Since our breakup she has gone back to a guy who treats her like crap...just horrible crap. Infact, my friend tells me he isnt even seeing her that he has a gf and hes just cheating on his gf with my ex and she doesnt even know hes doing it. Since my breakup...ive grown so much stronger and wiser yet I see how shes behaved....shes blocked me from the internet, held a grudge, become bitter, made an online journal and disgraced me, blocked all my friends off her aim....Ive always felt like although I would be sad earlier on that this breakup would catch up to her and shed be devestated. Am I foolish to believe this? After everything Ive told you what have you interpreted? Would appreciate your wisdom...of any sort

  5. Sorry to hear that..it has been 4 months for me and I havent spoken to her nor as she to me since I left her room saying its over. She let her pride, vengeance, and ex bf get her through the NC. I only let my heart, strength, and God get me through it. Now I am at a better place and surrounded by a better group of people and a much more logical state of mind while shes back with her ex and as always emotionally unstable. My point is....its not just NC its how you do it. You got to walk away and just let the person know your there for them but still regroup and gather your state of mind. In just 1 month your gonna have a logical perspective on your relationship and youll be strong enough to handle all this. So just be patient. Best of luck on your journey...cuz thats what it was for me...a weird mystikal yet sometimes lonely but happy and exciting journey.

  6. Theres nothing wrong with giving someone 110% of your love and effort. But just remember this and youll be fine; Love someone with all your heart but never love them more or even as close as you love yourself. Just because I love a girl with all my heart doesnt mean it has to be even close as to how much I love me. And most importantly, trust yourself. We so often let too much trust into relationship and it bites us in the rear end

  7. What priceless lesson did you learn from your breakup? I learned that problems dont go away on their own or by being the best person you can be. And to never forget that you and only YOU truly have your own back. Me, myself, and I thats all I got in the end. I think the lessons I learned from this breakup have made me a better person than I ever could have been with her. What are the priceless lessons you have learned?

  8. Thanks blue skittles....I agree yet its so hard. See we broke up and neither of us made an attempt to get back with eachother. Ive never heard of this EVER happening. Ive heard so many well i tried to call her/him and they didnt pick up and so its nc...this is the real deal. Neither of us made any attempt. She went back to her ex and he left her as usual....a part of me just wishes she would talk to me like hey im sorry etc but I know her mom owns her. Your very right...I dunno why today of all days im so hurt and sad...its so strange its been 3 3/4 a month

  9. Princess, thanks for the advice. But the funny part is I DONT WANT HER BACK. I wouldnt take her back at gunpoint...but Im just in desperate need of closure from her and just want to like see her come back and say she regrets her decision to let me go. In my heart I believe she does regret it but I just dont know...I was the most caring, loving guy to her and to me its just insane how someone can replace you like that. I think Im a little sad because a crush I just had somewhat blew over. So Im just questioning my status as a single individual. But as I stated earlier I dont want her back. Just want to talk and I know if I go back to her it wont be a mature convo and just a regretting situation but if she comes to me itll be much better because shell be ready to talk

  10. Oh and I forgot to add since our breakup shes blocked me from the internet 2 weeks after our breakup ( no one was iming or calling her for her to block me) shes made some online journal where she praised our breakup and that shes free. Then a few days later talked about whats the purpose of life and how shes going to try to change herself and not dwell on the past or worry about the future, then her last journal entry stated shes bustin a "mariah carrey" shes going crazy I guess. I dont know ....whys she such a loser?

  11. Hey most of you know my story. But for those of you that don't I'll just give you a quick insight. I met a girl who wasn't over her ex boyfriend ( if you want to call him that, the truth is he just slept with her and never considered them together AND THEY ONLY DATED FOR 2 WEEKS!) and infact she was obsessed with him. She came into this relationship witout me really knowing shes obsessed with him. The tone of our relationship was that I was her "dream" bf in the aspect of looks, money, love. And she always loved me obsessivley and threatned to kill herself if we ever even broke up. Then after about a year she called a bluff breakup with me because her grandmother passed away and she started to question alot of things and wanted to hang out with guy friends which I was somewhat opposed to because she broke my trust. In desperation and in a lost in confusion moment I said go ahead talk to whomever you'd like I dont care. Eventually, for no reason at all her mother turned agaisnt me over a political difference and finally me and this girl just snapped at eachother and we broke up. I told her I never wanted to talk to her again and that Im sure she has feelings for her ex. She said no she doesnt and she was in shock and I left. She nor I have made any attempt to contact eachother since and the word is she went back to her ex and her ex slept with her and left her again for his own ex gf. In a way that was closure...but in alot of ways it hurts she never came back to just say hi or goodbye or anything. This girl became VERY 2 face to me, my friends, and to everyone around her. She is one of the most disliked people I know from everyone and I can see why. Im at a point now where its been 4 months of NC and no attempt of contact and its really confusing me on how this girl whom WHENEVER we'd breakup would cry hard and threaten to kill herself didnt come back after 4 months. Will she ever comeback? I dunno.... just lost with my angle with this breakup. I was the greatest and most genuine guy to her and she traded me in for that loser. Need some major insight please

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