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Everything posted by Beth0621

  1. You have no feelings for me? You only wanted to have sex with me? You have several other FWB you can get with? You knew I was invested, you knew I had fallen in love with you, you told me there was a chance for more, just a small chance, but that door was not totally closed. You changed your story 10 times in 3 months....we fought about it all the time, you said some really mean things to me said you never wanted to see me again....yet we ended up back together. I would never have looked twice at you if I hadn't seen you with the kids on the baseball team.....the way you were as a coach and as a dad was as sexy to me as you were physically....there was just something about you. I now know that you are trash, so far beneath me. You have no feelings, you don't care that you hurt me and you are putting it all on me....saying I said hurtful things and got too personal.....hell yes I got personal...you just told me you only used me for sex and that you have others you text for just that reason. I wasted 3 months, you knew how I felt and you took advantage of that. If I didn't love you, I would really hate you right now.
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