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Posts posted by tristesse

  1. hi,

    Ur message gave me so much hope.

    I was just about to post a message to ask you guys if I should ended try to contacthim and send him an e-mail or soemthing. i have been so hatefull to him and his family since the break u that I thought maybe the e-mail will be a good thing. I wanted to makeit simple and nice... no relationship talk. But to just ask him how life is and also to tell him that his cell phone compagny contacted me.

    What do u guys think... desperate..ha?

    Oh man.. why doens't he try to contactme at all...did he forget about me?

  2. hi,

    Thank you all for your posts....

    But here's why I think he won't call... I think he'll be scraed to face me, and he may think that if he sees me he meight change his mind again...so here's my question...do u guys think I should try to see him if he doesn't...I mean should I show up at his door or something... I need my closure,I need to get explanations... and really doubt he'lll try calling me!

    It hurts so much....

  3. God..... how can he ... will he contact me? Myabe he will just leave th stuff he has at my house there bec he will be scared of facing me! I want to see him one last time! I think he thinks i hate him... which I kind of do.... the line between hate and love is very thin now!

    But also I want to see him, when he left to go to LA on vacation, he was my b'f.. he hold my face in his hands and said baby don't be sad, I'll be back in 2 weeks..." now a month and 2 weeks later... I still feel as if he's still my b'f..I'm left with that good picture...things were so great and he chose his family over me... anyway.... I just can't understand and don't know how he can go on without me, without missing me and not wanting to hear fr me or see me... doesn't he care about what I am becoming?

    I 'm such a loser blabbing non stop on this forum!

  4. hi,

    I think she's confused and the reason she's not telling you she loves you is bec she wants to know for sure if you are the person she wants to spend her life with.... she's taking a risk .... a risk to lose you...but maybe she also thinks that ifit's meantto be it will happen..I would stay away and wait... but at the same time I would try to be better without her.... who knows maybe you wouldn't wnather... take this time to evaluate if also she is thetrue one for you.

    You are a great man.... and her or someone else will one day appreciate your love so much

  5. Today I realize that even thus I am still sad and think that my pain is huge, it's however a lot less that 27 days ago…. I'm starting to feel better but still caring a lot of pain with me each day.


    I'm starting to accept that all our dreams all now long gone… I'm starting to accept (very slowly) that my future won't be with this guy, that all my dreams won't happen with this guy…It's so hard to picture a life without him, but now I am not picturing it I am leaving a life without him… I thought it would be impossible, and it does feel impossible but It's POSSIBLE. Since we are all doing it.


    I have stopped crying, I mean I have stopped crying all day… ha ha

    I still cry some mornings and afternoons or when I feel really sad, but crying is not a part of my every day routine, like eating and sleeping. I have lost a lot of weight but slowly putting them back, and I'm trying to eat now.


    I still don't sleep a lot, but I sleep until 5 am with no problem. I start thinking a him from 5 am to 7 am (before my alarm goes on), where as at the beginning I was awake in my bed most of the night crying and thinking of him.



    Every thing still remind me of him… but I have learned to control my emotions better now, I do not cry each time I go somewhere I 've been to with him, and each time I think of him, I have learned to tell myself it's over…( never mind if it works or not….lol)



    I have stopped talking about him to my friends, except my sister… I started to realize that people may get tired of hearing me starting ever sentence with his name….. I find it very difficult to not talk about him, but at the same time it forces me to speak about other things than him, or to pay attention to what other have to sat bout their lives.


    I have hold myself from begging him to come back to Toronto, sending him love notes or call him in the middle of the night because I was missing him to much…. And this has been so hard. Not sharing with him has been the most difficult part of getting over him. I am so used to share every details of my life with him.


    I have been through the guilt period, wasn't very long, because in my case, I truly believed I tried every thing, one thing that I felt guilty about was not leaving with him 2 months ago when he asked me to… I wondered if I should have… but every time I think bout this, I tell myself, good you didn't go" because it's obvious his love wasn't deep enough… but then I wonder if he's right fr picking his family over me… and when I start thinking too much I remind myself, the way he ended and how there's no excuse for his action… I remind myself of the joy I felt because I knew he was coming back home, and I remind myself Of how terribly choked I was when he told me he wasn't. I try to keep myself angry because being angry at him, helps me to go on…. I have to try to not think of the good times… because we only had good memories for 4 years… the only bad thing was the ending!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But the end was so horrible, so selfishly done… I have to keep reminding it to myself …


    I still wonder a lot, I still wonder how he did this and how he just left me behind and left… I till wonder if he thinks of me and if he's sorry…. But now I'm losing hope, which is not such bad thing after all… losing hope will certainly help me to recover better…I'm hoping.


    I still feel sad and empty… the emptiness is worst than the pain I felt in some degrees, because you are aware, aware of your emptiness and you can't do anything, you can't change it… it feels like my thoughts are following him, wherever he goes, whatever he does… and while I do thing I do them feeling lonely because I don't feel his support, his love.. I lost my best friend through out this whole thing and that'what hurts the most..I miss my friend, my lover …. But I pray for better days, for days where the pain will only be a small memory of our lives….. Oh some days I wished I could just have my life back……

  6. I am very pissed OFF........Oh trust me... he knows how much i am mad and HATE him...well thats' what he thinks... but I want him to regret what he did!

    I'm 24 years old...I know I should be smarter and not let this stupid guy kill me... but we've had 4 great years..... do u think he'll regret it one day?

  7. I know... I don't know which on is harder... no contact or contact.....

    My mom and I were saying how courageous he is for making such a decision and sticking to it... but still I wished he did it differently … I miss having him as my friend and hanging with him and all… summer is killing me bec I remember all our plans fr this summer…sniff.

    No one has any words to ease my pain….. Really I think god wants me to suffer a great deal….

    I went to a "date" on Sunday…well we can't really call it a date because I made sure the guy understands it's not one. The guy was super nice….everything I should want….but I kept on thinking about my ex…all through the night…It was a bad idea going out,,,, but I thought it would help… nothing seems to help… as the wedding is getting closer…I find myself missing him more.. missing him because he use to be my support in life…I need him so much… I miss him and I am so sad that he's not going to take part of this whole journey with me…then I am mad because I know it was his decision to do this…… How can you hate and love someone so much and so deeply?


    I think you will end up having your ex, telling you she regrets losing you… but u need to be patient…she's analyzing your relationship at this time I think…… I'm happy to see you're doing better at least!

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