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Posts posted by treesandbees

  1. Over this past year has been difficult and guess as always I don't grieve speedily because still hurts/still sad/and all the bad feelings that go along with losing someone you loved and knew for certain loved you. Difficult to move forward having one less person who cares about you in your life and talk to when you want. Miss and love you always. Have you seen how awful J has been? Didn't ever expect that even after all this time.

  2. "I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light."


    Helen Keller



    "A friend is one that knows you as you are, understands where you have been, accepts what you have become, and still, gently allows you to grow."


    William Shakespeare

  3. Miss you, thought when I brought you back home with me I would feel you here with me at least a little, because I know you loved me and wouldn't want me to not feel you still around me, but I haven't felt anything at all. Why won't you let me know you are still here in that small way? Would help me if you did. Even through my dreams but nothing it makes it that much more painful and difficult. Still balancing sad and angry. xx

  4. It annoys me when people say rude dismissive things about others who reached out to them and were being kind like it doesn't matter because they think that person will never find out but people never really know how many people or who others know and who tells them what. Worse when someone comes off nice and then says something harsh and mean but wouldn't once think it was mean because they think the person(s) on thew receiving end are meaningless to them. These people need to adjust how they see and treat others. Everyone has feelings and hurts. Food for thought.

  5. I didn't take the bait end of July...people who care about others usually ask hey you doing okay? Just seeing how you've been, let me know, or such... not did you call me other day? Knowing that if I do call I always leave a VM, or a email or something to say why I called not just leave it as random nothing calls, like you do. I know..I KNOW you think because I don't let on knowing anything I am clueless and you got it all over on me. You'd yourself if you knew I knew, because you think you are smarter than everyone, heck you would tell me you are the smartest person you know. I wonder how many you are effing behind their back, must be hard that I am no longer in that rotation. I feel sorry because I know you don't love them but there is a means to end for you and she is probably grateful and allows you whatever you want and you take advantage of that. I bet you say I still bother you, just to keep her doing as you please and worrying ( but she never had to worry about me, I don't cheat or help others cheat either) yet I haven't talked for months since right before my bday. I feel like love is poison, it kills you inside out and some people never heal from the sickness it brings them. Thanks for that gift.

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