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Posts posted by Sirus

  1. You are a very brave person. From reading what you have said, i feel that you have come to terms with what you have been through and you sound strong, maybe ot physicaly but you hve an inner strength that is astounding. I dont even know you and i feel very rpoud of you for making it this far. Very Well Done.


    Ok now down to the help. I know where you are coming from although i have no first habd experience of rape. I have several female friends who do. and to be honest you seem to be dealing with it alot better than them, and their 17+. So i assume because you have been to councilling that your mom knows all about what you have been through.


    Getting over what you have been through is going to be hard and take a long time. and what you are going through is not uncommon. I spose the easiest way to get over this might be to get to know the person who reminds you of them, when you find out that this person is completely diffrent then thats a step to getting over this. Spose it is kind of like a phobia. You may just have to face it until it doesnt effect you anymore.


    I cant think of anything els at the moment but if i do then i will come back to you.


    Good Luck, Take Care

    David aka Sirus

  2. Dont worry im masturbating all the time, one day i did it five times, but then sometimes i wont do it for a week or more.


    Its just depends on the person, there is no such thing as too much. well unless you pull it off i spose, but lets just hope no one ever has to experience that.

  3. yer i agree with maggie. loving someone will change who you are, and love is like playing darts in the dark, you are allmost never going to hit the bull, first time, so being let down is allways going to be an issue.


    To be in love is something very special, and very sensetive. i know the feeling of enreturned love, at least i think i do. it is just something that you have to deal with.


    I spose if you have loved and lost then it just makes you appreciate it so much more when your love is returned.

  4. To be honest im not entirly happy with my image, but i can live with it. it is more the fact that Girls gernaly show no intrest in me and so i dont know who likes me and so i dont really feel like i can just go up to them and start talking, its more i would prefer to have then show some intrest.

  5. Thankyou everybody for your replies they do help a bit


    Waiting is all very well but there have been loads of girls that i have liked and they have either turned me down, ignored me, embarrased me by leading me on then letting me make an arse of myself, or be snaped up by someone i thought was my best mate. what a truly great record of achievements to build up confidence.


    Not even adding the fact that i am not happy with any single part of myself, personality, or physicaly. I dont think that waiting is goint to help. even if their was a girl i liked i just dont have the confidence to talk to her.

  6. I am one of these people who for some reason can not get a girlfriend and can never even find a girl who is attracted to me. i have only had one 2 week relationship with a girl that i did not like. i would kill myself, but i could never put my family through that. i am not a member of any club and my intrests are in completely male dominated subjects.


    I have even registered myself in datting agencies but i dont have the money to keep that up. I either end up hateing myself or hatting everyone else. I have tied the whole just have fun with your mates thing, but all my mates and im not joking are in relationships and can pick people up just lke that. I try to act confident and happy but its to hard when i have no self confidence.


    I just dont know what else to do.

  7. well then you will just have to play around. Go and get one of those sex guides, you will feel like a perv gettin it but dont worry. Those books are well worth it. you can find out loads of positions and styles and the more you try the more you are likely to find something that you both really lik.

    just experiment.

  8. Yer i have heard about this before. Firstly the finger between the vagina and anus is so that the performer can feel her orgasm. internal Muscles contract and relax rapidly, I believe in women it is the vaginal muscles and in men it is those that force the ejaculation. It is a good way to tell if you are doing it right, or if they are faking it.


    I don't really know k-spots, only g-spots, however I think they are supposed to be similar but in a different area and give a slightly different sensation. However different people have varying levels of sensitivity, so even if you know where they are supposed to be you may feel nothing at all, when stimulated.


    Um oh yer the angle is supposed to be better as the performer can use the right hand to spread the lips of the vagina and so have better access to the clitoris.


    I think that is everything I hope I have helped.


  9. I here ya, 15 is very young to be havin sex at. However i can also appreciate that when you are young, and with someone you really care about sometimes its all you can thionk about, (thoink meant to be think, damn fat fingers, have to type with nose)


    Best of luck Sirus

  10. You have my deepest sympathy. you have gone through an awfull lot, and no one deserves what you have gone through. chances are the pain will never go away for these memories, but in time you may be able to look back on these and the pain wont be as bad, and you wont think about it as much.


    I wish you all the best, be strong

    good luck



  11. I know three people who cut themselves and i would be lying if i said i hadnt been tempted, just as a way of getting round the probs in my life. But i have allways been strong enough to carry on. The thing is if you do not face up to the problem you may never get over it and you will steadily get worse. For some people it is harder to face the problem than to get round it, but sooner or later you will have no choice.

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