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  1. Cheers, but I don't think I couldn't not ask her not to go. I feel I hadn't tried enough
  2. Thanks for the reply. Why do you think its a bad idea to ask her not to go, as well as telling her I love her. I think that wil show my feelings
  3. Can anyone else help, I'm very confused
  4. Thanks. Anyone else have some advice/interpretation please
  5. Hi, this is a long one, but i really need as much advice as possible. My ex and I went out for 3.5 years, and lived together for two of them. We split in February, (her dec) in hindsight because she wanted more commitment, to get married and have kids, and I had shirked that a bit. In hindsight, I would of married her, I want the same things, I just didn't show it at the time. Main complication, just before we split she started seeing another bloke she'd met (not local), because she said she felt neglected. I've tried telling her how much I love her and that I wanted the same things to no avail. She's still seeing this bloke, but at the same time, she has said things like she's not happy, and seems pissed off I'm buying my own house (I'm staying with a mate at the moment). The no contact thing doesn't really work well, as I still have to pick up post, and she rings occasionally because she needs something I have. Anyway I went around the other evening at her request to give her something, and we had a pleasant chat and a couple of beers, then she tells me this bloke is coming to stay for a couple of nights!She also tells me she's going on holiday with him in June! Did I need to know that? I don't know where she's coming from (ladies any advice?), I don't know if its completely over and she just likes to know I'm still madly in love with her, or if it's something else? I've been mentally tortured by all this for 3 months and just when it seems to be getting better, it gets worse and I can't sleep at night. I don't think I can handle her on going on holiday with him, but I still really love her, I also think he's just a fling (punishment for me?) as he lives 300 miles away and not going to give her a family, which is what she wants. What do I do, carry on being the nice guy who still loves her, while she sees someone else, or get whats left off my stuff and get out of it( ts would be very very hard as I still love her).What I really want to say to her is ask her not to go on holiday with him, and try agin with me, but i'm pretty sure that won't get a result. All advice much appreciated, thanks
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