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  1. I can't believe you aren't feeling the way I feel...you may not want us anymore, and that's your choice, but how is it so easy for you? You must really be doing sleazy things to get yourself over us. Your neediness makes you unattractive to me, especially in how its manifested since our breakup and how apparently it was never me you needed...just someone to be there by you...anyone.... But I still love you. And you should be hurting too.
  2. We could be so happy together. We truly love each other, and you call me your "soulmate". Yet no one I know chooses someone they just met over their soulmate. I came back to you crying twice, to open my heart, to say that I was truly sorry for destroying what we had by breaking up with you. In turn, you destroyed me twice over. You said you wanted to be alone the first time, and that was a sham. I ask myself how you are moved on from us, but I keep seeing that I have only myself to blame for not treasuring you as much as I should have. I guess I deserve the reality I have created for us and for myself, but you know we could have it different again. And you choose the safe path, the path that leads away from true love. If what we had was true love, 6 months shouldn't have let it fade. You gave me a firm decision, yet I still can't help thinking--wishing--there's hope for us again. But now to talk to you would feel wrong, like I was being too forceful, forward, and a creep. How on earth can we have gone from being each other's entire world to me feeling like I repulse you? You are confused and looking for what we had. Your certainty just seems like utter confusion to me, like a bandaid...but I'm here. And I'm afraid I'll always be here for you. But I have to move on....but I know I still probably haven't truly dealt with the pain and the anger inside. It's like we're even now...I broke your heart, you broke mine.
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