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Everything posted by Sabucevi

  1. So, I've been reading the topics and noticed how all of the "Am I gay?" postings are slightly different. So here's another one maybe someone could shed light on: I'm 33 and was NEVER attracted to guys until about 5 years ago. I've had many girlfriends and one very long-term/serious girlfriend. I fell into the whole "Bi/Gay" confusion about 10 years after I learned that I enjoyed {anal play}. I had anal sex with my girlfriend but it never went the other way. Although when I was alone, I would find myself dabbling and just enjoying the FEELING by myself. This action happened without me EVER imagining sex with a man. Until later in life I found that 98 percent of women would never want to give anal play or even be asscociated with someone who enjoys it. So I began researching people with the same sexual desires, and it turns out that gay men are the only perdominant one's in that category. Schwooo! So now after a couple of years having male fantasies, I have almost completely stopped thinking about women. (Here's the clincher) I can never see myself in a relationship with a man. (Holding hands, being romantic... No way!) I could see myself being stictly physical and having really exciting sex with a man! Although truly my heart and mind romantically seeks the love and sensitivity of a woman. So the question remains, "Am I Gay?" ... here's an additional question, so if I'm not... then "what do I do now?" I feel like the elephant man in the straight world and my emotions just don't fit in the gay world. HELP! ~SC
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