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Posts posted by christopher

  1. my gf just came over tonight and she had all new close on. she was already at my place when i got back from a buddies house. my parents have a bunch of friends over so there are alot of shoes by the front door. when she came down to me she asked me if i noticed anything and at first i ddidnt catch on to what she was talking about, i usually dont notice new close on people, but then i caught on and commented on her close. after i did that she got upset with me for not noticing her new shoes which were sitting with all the other shoes so i didnt know they were hers.

    when i asker her where she bought her close at she said that she didnt buy them. when i asked her who bought them she was hesitant and she told be her friend, who i will name "bob" for the purpose of this story, bought them for her so i asked her what bob's last name was and she jsut shrugged her shoulders. then we got to discussing the price of them she said that they cost $230. i said something along the lines of "that is alot of money for a person to spend on their friend" and she said that he spent his pay check on her.


    is it me or is this just a little bit suspisious? or am i just paranoid? should i be worried? if so what do you think?

  2. ok well we talked about it right after i posted this and she said that she told him to ask me and that when he didnt she didnt think anything of it. then last night i had a young lady who we both know ask me if i would go to her winter formal with her and i told her to ask my gf first. when she did my gf was really rude to her.

  3. hi, i dont nescesarily fit in here because i am a guy but i have somethings to say. i have been in shoes similar to his.

    when i first started dating heavily i always had a gf lined up for when my my gf at the time broke up with me i would not have to be alone because i could not stand the lonelness. well after a few short lived relationships i found someone who i got serious with and we dated for a while. then i got bored with her because i was used to going between people. so i broke up with her. then after about 4 months alone, by choice, i saw what i had lost an went back to her. since then i have had to ask for a couple of 1 week, or so, hiatuses because we saw so much of each other that i need some time apart from her.

    i always saw what i was missing and we stayed to getherbut i always regret it and wish i could change.

    if we have to spend time apart again though i am going to tell her that she needs to find someone with the mental capacity to treat her like she deserves to be treated.

    that is what u need to do. find someone who can treat u like u deserve to be treated. he aparently cannot do that and might never be able to.

  4. i am going to start at the beginning and make this as short and sweet as possible. My gf and i first started dating on may 26th 2004. i broke up with her last year at the biginning of november and we started dating again in late january. during that time though her and my best friend got really close, almost like brother and sister. since then we have had to take a couple of 1 week hiatuses from eachother because we saw eachother to much. that is the back ground on this story. my best friends name for this story will be joe, and he goes to wahsington high school, whille me and my gf go to linclon high school.


    about 3 weeks ago she told me that my best friend told her that he was over her and then she claimed that she didnt know before that he liked her. then just friday night she asked me if it was alright to go to washingtons winter formal dance with joe. and i said whatever. i have been thinkin about it and i think that it was disrespectful of him to not ask me if i minded his takin her first.


    i dont want it to seem like i think that i own her. she is her own self and can make her own descisions. but he should have asked me if i would be offended or jealous fo his takin her. she also just told me that she told him to ask me but that he didnt.


    and in case this does sound like jealousy it is. i think that she is having more fun with him tonight than she ever has with me.

    should i be worried? is it wrong for me to expect to be asked if i minded?

  5. hey everyone i have posted before but it has been a while, how is everyone? welll my girlfriend and i went out for like 5 months then i broke up with her and now we are going back out. i can honestly say that if i have ever loved anyone she is the one. we have been telling eachother that we love eachother for like 4 months now.

    the other night we got to talking about different things and she had a lot of questions for me. i did my best to answer them and made it clear that i answered what i could. she started to get frusterated like she said she would. i even expected her to but she had something on her mind that she needed to say. the reason she got frustrated is because she didnt understand my answer and so i asked her to explain what she was asking and then she got really frustrated. it was late and we both needed sleep so we ended our conversation and i said "Good night babe, i love you.". she made it clear she couldnt say she loved me sincerely and instead just said "night". when i asked her why she couldnt tell me she loved me she saiod she wouldnt have meant it.

    does this mean she doesnt love mr? i think she should always be able to tell me that she loves me no matter what. is this to much to ask?

  6. i realize this was a post for girls but i would like to answer goddess' question.

    i would have to say yes, most guys do judge a female based on their chest. i started out that way, then i realized that i would rather have a gf that has a great personality then any thing. now when i choose a gf looks only mak up 1-10 percent of my desion. i will admit thought that i do every now and then catch myself checking out a girls chest. i would just like to apologize on behalf of guys everywhere, especially those who are good and dont do that, for the disrespect that may be caused by this.

  7. hey i have got some questions for girls along those lines:

    my gf and i will start with simple kissing then i will start to kiss her neck and upper chest, we are both still completely clothed, an i will kiss her a little below the collar. This whole time i am usually on top of her. after a while of doing this she will start to breathe heavily and arch her back towards me and pull on my shirt.

    what does it mean when she does this?

    and also while doning the above i kind of make a move for her breast but then i decided not to because she made a kind of motion, usually i am pretty good about interpereting things like that, but this one i couldnt.

    What should i do about this?

  8. we used a condom but i dont know what it would fell like if it tore so that could have happened. she should have her perod this weekend if it is on a monthly bases. but her last period was last month so she couldnt have been pregnat then, this means she might have cheated on me but then wouldnt it still be too early for her to have morning sickness?

  9. ok here is how things are: i lost my virginity to my gf on may 11 of this year. i know that she has slept with other guys before but this was the first with me. about a week later she said taht she has had morning sickness for a week. she thinks it is mine but i read taht morning sickness doesnt happen till about 4-6 weeks int to the prenancy(is this true or could it happen sooner?). also she had her periond on the 23 of march. is she really pregnat? is it mine?

  10. Hey there i know how you fell i went thru the same thing earlier this year. The girl i asked out never told me no or yes, she always said maybe and then one day i found out that she was asked out by a friend of mine and said ye and that really hurt, but i just got used o seeing them together and thought better him then some guy i dont know and now i think she likes me again so it will work out some how.

  11. I thin stonwallDavis is right i think the dads are slacking on their job at teaching boys how to men and i think they need to step up to the plate on that otherwise my generation is goin to be messed up, no offense to any1, but that is the way i feel. If any dads/future dads read this do what i just said. plz.

  12. I agree with what the others said about talkin to him. I am still new to datin and never know if i should only have small kisses or if i should hold one for a while and when to back away and i think it would have been a lot easier if the girl had just told me that it was to short. So tell all your friends this so that they know because as a guy i try to act like i know what i am donin even though i dont and sometimes wish i had the guts to tell the girl that she can tell me what she wants me to do to improve.

  13. I am not sure how old these people are but if they are adults like in their 20's then just ignore what i am about to say cus that is still aways ahead of me, but if they ar closer to my age then this is my opinion. I think, without any offense meant by this, that this guy sounds a little insecure. I have to admitt that i am a little insecure to but the best thing he could prolly do is to continue with the relationship and get used to it. both of my previous gf's were flirts if you know what i mean and i kept goin out with them until our relationship and it helped me to get over being insecure. and the best advice i can give to Cecelius is that if you find out about her cheating on him you could try to warn him and then he knowsthat he has a reason to be insecure in that relationship.

  14. Thanks all who replied. My first time was only a few days ago and my gf told me(and just about every1else in the school) that I was not the best she has ever been with but i thik as Mr. Good Man said it was cus my confidence was so low cus it was my first time hopefully i can keep my confidence up and learn some at the sam time. At least if i cant i know where to come to learn more.

  15. Hi I am 15 almost 16 year old male. I have 2 questions. i have only had intercourse once and am looking to learn more.


    1) Does size matter? or is it the "motion" that matters and if it is the "motion" then what is the best "motion"?


    2)how do i eat a girl out to give her an orgasm?

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