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Posts posted by WithLove

  1. That's really sweet. I know this doesn't compare in any way, but I had a beloved dog that grew up with me that passed away when I was 17. He was 17 also. I loved him so much and it really broke me when he passed because it was kind of in a traumatic way, and I've never felt right about it (just that I didn't get there to see him in time, he passed due to old age).


    Anyway, ever since then, whenever I am feeling really awful and have had a lot of stress going on, he comes to me in dreams with such clarity that even in my dream, I recognize that he's there to give me peace and calm - like, whatever is happening in the dream will come to standstill when I see him again. This has happened probably half a dozen times since he passed. In my dream I always know why he's there, and it makes me acknowledge that I'm in a bad place, so it definitely helps me do self improvement afterwards, because he only ever visits when I need him.


    I always tell my mom when he comes, because she really loved him, too, and wishes he would come visit her.


    We don't deserve dogs.

  2. Maybe you need a "recharge" weekend or week more often than you're getting now. Having those few weeks to yourself was great for you, and it sounds like maybe you need them more often. Can you take the time to yourself, maybe once a month? Have a whole weekend alone, or a week to yourself (going home after work, or meeting up with friends, Monday to Friday)?



    Go to the fair, then go home after and maybe S will tell them to eff off for the night...



    …..and then go back over and knock on the door, and when he opens it, make sure you're wearing only a long cloak and NOTHING ELSE! or some pretty lingerie!! :D:D:D

  4. Lol. It's not that he doesn't want his son in his home to that extent. It's more about S allowing his son to take advantage it.


    I guess I don't really see any reason for T to be in S's house for any reason by himself or with a girl, except if he is house-sitting or checking on it for him while S is gone - and then, S should work on ground rules. No one to stay over, T to clean up after himself, etc. But, that's on S. And S should give him a key to do this and then ask for the key back when he's home.

  5. Look.... I know that you love S and you want to spend time with him and include each other in your decisions and stuff. But this is now affecting you, too, because you're there. If S has an issue with boundaries and you don't want to step on his toes, perhaps you can remove yourself from the issue altogether. When you learn that T and his gal pal is coming over, simply go home alone. Tell S that it makes you uncomfortable and that you just don't want to be around T once he's been drinking, and that you're saving money for a trip and don't want to try to deduce who will be paying for the evening out.


    S has issues and he needs to work on them, as you've said, and you also said that he's been doing thinking on it. So maybe you can give the time to do so - without you there.

  6. Sometimes it's completely unfair and illogical to demand something from a partner but not do the same for them. It sucks, but it happens, and it's how you feel.


    For me, I'd probably not say something yet. It seems to be the first instance you're aware of, and it didn't pan out anyway. Maybe see how often this happens, if it happens again.

  7. Awww, he's just the cutest! That little boy looks so happy, too. You did the right thing, it was way too soon. But now that little boy has a buddy to play with and he will love him and take care of him. Don't feel guilty!

  8. Why didn't it work out with J, if I may ask? I'm just curious. I'm glad you have a friend to turn to that pretty much knows how you operate in a relationship.


    Sending you tons of love and hugs! How's little Macy doing?

  9. American Gods by Neil Gaiman.


    "The central premise of the novel is that gods and mythological creatures exist because people believe in them (a type of thoughtform). Immigrants to the United States brought with them spirits and gods. The power of these mythological beings has diminished as people's beliefs waned. New gods have arisen, reflecting America's obsessions with media, celebrity, technology, and drugs, among other things."

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