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Posts posted by Starkitty

  1. Forget what was said about you in the past (past meaning from yesterday onwards) It doesn't matter anymore and you are learning and growing as a person all the time. You are unique and you don't have to be anyone or do anything to please anyone. Just do whatever makes you happy because you will always have to live with you for the rest of your life.


    I'm learning how to ignore it too. You are you and no one can do it better. As long as you love you then it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

  2. Hi, I've found a job vacancy for a record store (HMV)


    I really really want this job and I want to show my enthusiasm for the cv (same as resume) I'm not sure what I can put that shows my enthusiasm without going over the top or looking unprofessional. Also I need advice on faking my confidence if I get an interview. I have a bubbly personality, but unfortunately I'm too shy in interviews and I need a way to be myself. When I get the job I know I will become more confident.


    Any advice/ideas please? I would sell my mother to get this job and I'm gonna do whatever it takes to get it!

  3. Thanks I'll keep an eye on it.


    I stopped taking it this morning and the migrains are still there, but no headache. I feel alot better than last night so I'm hoping it will go away.


    Hopefully there should be a lower risk for me cos I'm only 24 and I don't smoke and I'm not overweight.

  4. I was just wondering if anyone expierenced any problems with this pill?


    For the past 3 days I've felt weak, had bad migrains, had like a numbness in my hands and feet but, it's not actualy numb, I feel confused, poor concentration, sometimes feel like I'm getting my words mixed up and my balance is weird.


    I just been to the doctors and he said I should stop taking them. He thinks the numbness thing is caused by the migrains by hyperventilating. He took my blood pressure and checked a few things. He thinks I'm ok and if I don't feel any better in a few days then I have to go back.


    I was just wondering if anyone else experienced this?

  5. I think he likes/liked you, but feels abit rejected. He didn't think this through very well because if he has a new girlfriend and an ex that wants him back why did he ask you out a few days ago? and why have this new dating over 21 rule if hes already dating? lol.


    Do you feel the same? Maybe you could drop some hints and see if he dumps his new girlfriend over night

  6. I dremt about seeing a psychic and she told me that what she sees is only based on what your thinking now. Everything you think manifests so if you worried about something so much it manifests she would see that, but if you stay postive and think of something else the situation would change.

    I think that would be true. I guess they could predict things that you have pre choosen before this life, like who you will marry?

    I've had a psychic reading on the internet and she got alot of things right

    The thing is, do you want to know your future? If you did you might only worry more about situations that haven't arised yet and just feed the negative energy.

  7. - Don't always regret past mistakes because you've learnt from them and changed for the better

    - Always be yourself! Conformity sucks!

    - Follow your heart and gut feelings

    - Don't buy yourself cheap rubbish when you could pamper yourself with something speacial

    - When your careers counsellor asked you what you wanted to be don't say what you thought your Dad wanted you to be because you didn't know what you really wanted.. take sometime to think about it

    - Learn to love yourself and don't expect anyone else to be as sweet and loving as you are

    - Take better care of your body, skin, teeth etc..

    - Live for today instead of worrying about tomorrow

    - Be proud of yourself when you know you've accomplished something

    - Instead of thinking of what you don't have be grateful for what you do have

  8. Hi, I'm not sure if I've already asked this here. I looked through my old post, but can't find anything.


    Well theres this guy I'm crazy about! and because I let my stupid shyness and insecurity get the better of me, I missed my chance!

    He seemed to like me too.

    I haven't seen him or his friends so I have no way of contacting him and I really want to ask him out badly! I feel more confident now.

    I looked everywhere for his phone number, but I can't find it.

    Even if I did find him I wouldn't know how he feels about me.

    I thought if fate wants us to be together then something will happen, but maybe fate brought us this far and now it's my turn to do something.

    I think he was gonna ask me out a few times, one time his friend embarrased him, one time I was talking to a teacher about something so I didn't get chance to catch up to him (he was waiting and looking at me all the time and I was the last person except the teacher there) and another time my friends called me about something and my crush looked kinda peed off cos we were alone til then.


    I really need ideas! I don't wanna stalk him. So what could I do? What realist things could I do to find him and ask him out?

    I would be sooo grateful for any ideas!!

    - A frustrated lust sick starkitty

  9. You may have already met some of your soulmates. You can have more than one and they can even be family and friends.

    Something I learned lately is that self love and being yourself is very important! Otherwise you'll attract the wrong type of people into your life.

    You will find someone! There is someone for everyone! Someone who will teach you more and more about yourself.

    Are you looking after you? Do you give yourself as much time as you do others? Do you treat yourself with the same respect as you would with your dream girl? Look after number one first otherwise you won't have the energy to look after anyone else.

  10. Since reading about positive thinking my life has changed alot for the better! Some books teach you that there is no lack of money or love and that we are all born rich, but we choose to think that we don't have enough money.

    When you really want something and you put all your positive thoughts and energy into making it happen it will happen!

    You can create your own destiny! If you know what you desire in life then visualize what you want and surround it with positive thoughts and affirmations and it will happen.


    If you want to learn more about it I suggest these books..

    The Power Of Positive Thinking - Norman Vincent Price,

    Creative Visualization - Shakti Gawain,

    John Randolph Price - Nothing Is Too Good To Be True


    Theres loads of other books, but these are just a few of the ones I've read.

  11. Well thanks alot for making me feel a thousand times worse!!

    I came here to solve the problem not to hear everythings my fault!!

    Just because I feel insecure doesn't make it all my fault! If I'm deeply hurt by something thats happened and I want to make sure I don't bring that emotional bagage into the next relashionship then whats wrong with that!? I'm not blaming other people! I've learnt from those relashionships and I know I can do better next time. I only asked for some advice! not to be blamed for how I feel!! and I never said every guy cheated on me in fact I don't think any one of them did. The problem was much worse than that.

    You think that blame towards others is a bad thing.. well take alook at every negative thing you've said in those posts! God help me if I ever become as negative towards people that need advice as you are!


    You seems to want to blame anyone else but yourself for the dating prediciment you are in...
    You have no idea how much that annoyed me!!

    I'm disgusted by that remark! So people treat me badly and all off a sudden I'm blaming them? It's not about blame.. I don't blame them because thats who they are and thats just how things were and I never hold grudges towards my exs because I'm bigger than that! It was the situations that hurt and thats what I am trying to get over so things will be better in the future and so I can trust the future boyfriends which was all I really wanted to know about in the first place!!

    So first I must blame myself and then I still have my insecuritys to face.. is that what you're saying?

  12. I understand that you learn from bad relashionships, but when every one you've had is bad then it starts to become disheartning.

    When you see the most amazing/beautiful people going through the same heartache and getting cheated on it makes you wonder.. If they arn't good enough who is?

    I would not bring emotional bagage into a relashionship, what I feel I keep to myself and to be cautious after some of the experiences I've been through is not a fault.

    I am intending on giving someone a chance I was just asking how to overcome some fears that I have..

    Being shy is not a fault at all! Being shy is who I am and why would I change that because some see it as a "fault"? Being shy is a problem, but not a fault.

  13. I feel like banging my head against the wall in frustration!


    For the past 4 years I've been single. It's not as though I haven't received any attention from guys and at least two of them gave me the impression that they wanted to date me.


    I've had some bad relashionships in the past and I hear so many people say they've had bad experiences with guys so that makes me fear relashionships. I'm sick of being hurt by guys. I find it hard to trust them.

    Also when I do meet a nice guy I can't stop thinking of reasons why they might not like me like I'm not pretty enough, I'm too different from other girls etc.. I think of good things about me and think why am I still single? I'm sure someone would like me, but then I go outside and see all these couples and I feel like theres something wrong with me.


    There was one guy over a year ago who seemed into me.

    He seemed nice and nothing like the other guys I dated so I felt at ease around him. We were alone alot on a course and we talked and joked alot. We asked each other if we had a bf/gf and talked about eachs others intrests and stuff.

    I was going to ask him out and it was valentines day I thought that would be perfect. It would be the last day I saw him and I got too shy and I didn't ask him out.


    The second guy I met more recently and to start with I was confatable around him until I started liking him and then I got really shy! I had a great oppertunity to ask him out and I kept reminding myself of the first guy and how I missed out so I was gonna make sure I didn't do it again.

    I wanted to ask him out for weeks, but got too shy and again missed my chance! He really seemed to like me. I think he wanted to date me and I got the impression he was shy with me.


    I still really like this guy alot! and I really can't get him out of my head it's driving me crazy!!

    If he called me tomorrow and asked me out I wouldn't feel ready because I haven't dated for 4 years and I'd be paranoid that I would mess things up or that I'm not good enough or that I'll fall madly in love with him, but for some reason he would end it. I'm crazy about this guy so I'm so paranoid. I'm not sure what he'll think of me. If he called me tomorrow I wouldn't feel ready, but at the same time I couldn't wait to be with him.

    I know all this sounds stupid, but I'm so sick of feeling negative about guys. I just feel that I don't have what the other girls have to keep a guy in love with me. I keep wondering why I'm so alone and most girls can have many different loving and sweet guys.


    I think if I see this guy again I will ask him out. I was going to before, but I got too shy and I wasn't worried he'd say no I was worried he'd say yes because I would just feel weird about dating again.


    How do I overcome this insecurity? How can I trust men and overcome this fear?

    I really need help with this because I know I could attract a guy it's just trusting them and feeling relaxed around them.


    - Starkitty

  14. Welcome Satis!


    I feel the same as you I've moved a few times in the past few years to different towns so I always have to start making friends all over again.

    I go through alot of things by myself and end up being everyone else agnony aunt. When I have a problem they don't want to know and when they do I'm the first person they come to.

    I haven't had a boyfriend in about 4 years so I feel pretty alone too. (I know it's mostly because I feel insucure and distrust people.)


    If you need someone to talk to please send me a message I know how it feels to be alone and I wouldn't wish it on anyone.

  15. Same here BayAreaBabe86! Thank god I'm not the only one!! lol.

    I know theres been guys interested in me and some are now. I was feeling too depressed to want a bf before and now I just feel lonely. It's gonna be so weird for me to start dating again. I've had bad expierences in the past so I'm not going to rush into a relashionship.

    Don't look for love it will find you!

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