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Posts posted by Fausto

  1. Here is my story, a week ago my gf and i had sex, after an hour she got really tired and wanted to stop, (i take a really ling time to cum). So we stoped I took the condom off, but after a while i asked her to do it again, but i did not have the condom on. Could she get pregnant even if i did not cum? Does the condom have a type of substance that kill sperms?

  2. Well it's been 2 months seens i got back with my girlfriend, It's being a really good relationships so far, but there is a little problem i have. I love her very much, but she does not believe me, sometimes i ask her "why don't you believe me?" and she always tells me that she does believe me, but that she doesn't want to believe me because she thinks i might dump her later on. I've done everything in my hands to let her know, but nothing works. I have also cry in front of her when she broke up, when she calls me Im always there for her, I have always been faithful to her seens the beginning and she knows it. I know that words don't always work that is why i dicided to get a tattoo with her name, she tells me to not do it, but she also tells me she kind of wants it . "Please reply on this- give some ideas so she would believe me know"

  3. Well right now we don't have any kind of problem or anything like it. We were apart for a little bit less than a month. I think you're right of that fact that you said, "The only time they try coming back is when they know you've truly forgotten about them." becuase everytime she would pass by i will totally ignore her, i wouldn't call her, i would look at her a turn away fast with out saying hi or anything. just yesterday she told me that a week after we broke up that she started to miss me, and so I told one of her friends i was going to move out of school, which i am going to do, and so the friends told her, so then that is why she called me while she was with the other guy because there was only a couple of weeks left of school and she thought she was going to lose me if she didn't call me. Now she wants to do all the things we never did such as; going to parties together, we're going to take pictures next week, right now she is not going to summer school but I am, and every tuesday she goes to school with her older sister and picks me up from there to go eat or to go to ther movies, well I really feel a diference in our new realationship I think she cares more about us than before.

  4. Well its been a really long time seens the last time I posted something up, all the people that posted something on my last two postEs, had negative points of view. Well she brock up with the other guy and got back with me. At first I thought that she was just going to play with me, but it was not that way, now i thing that its going to be serious because of a lot of stuff that happened, the most important to me is that we go out more often, and the second one is that she introduced me to her two older sister, and they actually know that we're together as a couple and they want me to be with her because they like me and think i'm cool. I really thing that that is important because before she never did it and didn't want to do it either. She has not introduced me to her older brothers and to her parents because they don't let her have a boyfriend, but she invited me to a party of her family, and her brothers are going to be there and she told me that she does not care what they say after that. Now she tells me every day that she loves me, even in front of her sisters, which before she would never do. She tells me that she wants to spend the rest of her life with me and marry me and have my kids, i know that its too early to be thinking about that, but i think that now she means it because she says she cant see herself with no one else, but she also said that anythink could happen, which i think too. She just got a cellphone too and when ever i call her she answer and she is nerver talking to no one else. I think that its going great, my sister who thought that she was just going to play with me, now thing that she is being serious. IF YOU WANT TO FIND OUT MORE ABOUT MY PROBLEM, CHECK OUT MY OTHER POSTES AND REPLY ON THIS ONE.

  5. Thanks for your opinion, my mom tells me that too, but that is just a part of the story because she never played on me or anything, and i know that for a fact, bacause she was always at home after school, when ever i called her she was there or out with her sister whom don't let her have a boy friend but me, even my friends tell me that she is a relationship type of girl, we've been through a lot of stuff such as valintin's day, her parents didn't let her go out and she snicked out of her house just to see me a lot of people was hating on our relationship, etc. When ever she could, we would talk on the phone for hours Sometimes at night when she couldn't talk, she would call me just to tell me that howmuch she loved me, she is still a virgin and when we were together she used to tell me that she wanted to lose it to me, i love her very much and i would tell her to wait because i respected her. We would always be together; hugging, kissing, holding hands, ect.. even in front of her ex, now that she is with the other fool, she does not do all of that with him in front of me, they don't even hold hands, after the break up, i knew that she was going regret it and will want me back, no one knows her better than i do and i always knew that she had feelings for me even when she wasn't my girlfriend yet.

  6. A month ago my girl friend broke up with me, we were together for almost 5 months, we were a really loving and stable couple, when we broke up no body could believe it not even my self. With in the first week I asked her to get back with me three time, she would say that she was better by her self, we ended being only friends. The week after she got back with her ex-boyfriend that really broke my heart , I was really mad at her and hated her, A week ago there was this party and most of her friends went, but she didn't go. At the party I meet this girl that was really good looking, I asked her to go outside with me, all of my ex-girlfriend's friends saw us when we left they told her everything about it. Four days later my ex calls me and asked "how come you dont talk to me anymore" and I said " because I don't feel good talking to you. We talked for about an hour, yesterday she called me again and tells me that theres not going to be another boyfriend like me, that i was the best one she had so fur and will always be, and she also said she doesn't understand her self, I asked her that why did she get with her ex and she said i dont know. After a while of talking she tells me really why she's being calling me, she said that she misses me and wants me back, she is still with the other guy, and i asked her if she would brake up with him and get back with me she said that she does not know, because then that guy was going to talk s&*t about her, then I said " then why am i even taliking to you, then she said that she would find a way to break up with him, she also told me that she hasn't tell anybody she's being calling me not even her best friend, and she asked me to keep it on the low. Now the question is: SHOULD I GIVE HER ANOTHER CHANCE OR NOT? BECAUSE I KNOW THAT SHE IS GOING TO BREAK UP WITH THE OTHER FOOL BECUASE OF ME I KNOW THAT SHE DOESN'T LIKE THE OTHER GUY AND I KNOW THAT SHE STILL HAS FELLINGS FOR ME.

    We had breaking up before, she was the one that broke up with me, that was after the 3 first months, but within 12 hours she called me and asked me to get back with her, and I did right of way

  7. I've being going out with this girl for about 5 months, it has being a really good relationship, but i have a really big problem, i can't stand looking at her talking to another guy, even if he is ugly as hell. Yesterday i saw her with this one guy talking, i got very jealous, She saw me and didn't do anything so i left to the bathroom, when i got out she was wating for me i asked her if she preffers to be with me or talk to other guys, so she said she preffers to be with me, but that i can't tell her to not talk to other guys. I told her that then we should break up because i don't like that, she said ok, so now i think that she really didn't like me, I'm in love with her, but I'm very jealous so what can i do? She told me that she was going to call me, but she has not call me seens yesterday DOES SHE REALLY LIKE ME?

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