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Posts posted by Alabama

  1. It depends on a variety of factors if it will happen. It does happen. I have had to happen to me...but was too dumb to do anything about it. When you are satisfied with things...sometimes things will fall into place. It's all just a matter of letting things happen...that will truly decide if you get what you wish.

  2. How about some practice? Start with small groups of people and then move onto large groups. It would be a good idea to approach 1 on 1 conversations first; as for getting over your nervousness, there are a number of techniques you can do. I suggest maybe research some techinques on how to get over nervous around people; but time is your greatest asset. Take your time with learning new techniques. Eventually they will sink in and you can relax around people.

  3. All I can suggest is maybe try to get to know people who are possibly in the same major you are, maybe go to clubs (if that interests you) or try to join any college clubs that interest you. Socialzing can be difficult, but it's possible; the most important thing of course is to remember to be yourself, as cliche as that sounds. Just try to talk with people maybe in your class and see if you can't find a connection (common interest) to develop chemistry. Good luck.

  4. Out of the blue, I decided to do something today. I emailed her asking her out. I know it may have sounded like a bad idea, but in one email everything felt resolved. She emailed me back and find out she has a boyfriend right now and if things were different, she wouldn't mind dating in the future; but now I don't feel the pain of waiting anymore and know now I can embrace my single life for good.

  5. About 2 years ago I was at my peak; I didn't worry about love or anything about it and really achieved a lot. I joined some clubs, hung out with a lot of my friends and had a good time in life; Now I am going to reclaim what I once had; I'm accepting from this point onward that it will okay to be single and that life is here for me to enjoy. I'm not going to worry about dating...not for a while; I want to socialize more and that is what I'll do. This is just me accepting my situation out in the open. The truth=It's okay to be single...it is not the end of the world.

  6. Answer then then first, do you want to go with Susan? If you do and you and Katherine aren't really much talking right now, then be easy about it. See if you can't get things resolved with you and Katherine first, before anything happens betwee you and Susan. It can be bad to have things unresolved between you two, if something is to happen between you and Susan. Take time to think about how you want to resolve things and then do it. I am sure once this sticky situation is done, then you will enter a good relationship. I suggest a good start would be try to talk to Katherine, even if she is unwilling or won't listen to what you have to say, then try to talk with her anyways...it might help.

  7. It is a good idea to enjoy yourself while your young. It isn't a good idea to keep dreaming,as that just wastes time. Enjoy yourself and be happy with what you have. Don't worry about finding Mr. Right now...have fun in life! You only get one, after all.

  8. The change that you are wondering if it will come, is something that will take time. I've been struggling with myself to open myself up, but am still in the process of doing that. Time is all I think you really need. As you stated it is a good idea to start to learn to live on your own, but at the same time, it is best to keep looking. We are only young once, and while we are, we should take advantage of that and use it. Socialize and meet people. I've been told that is the best way to meet people and believe it. Don't give up.

  9. It does take skills to design games and the job market can be competitive like any other proffession, but is this what you want in life? You say you envy video game players, but then find something that interests you to take away you envy. As long as you have something you're good at, then you have no reason to be envious of someone else for their ability at something.

  10. It sounds like you need to take time and self-reflect on things. Do you want to continue searching for a guy you will like? It sounds like all your choices so far, has been that they will like you for a time, but then lose interest. I suggest take time for yourself for a change and try to relax for a while. If you decide you want to continue to pursue guys, then try to think of new methods of keeping them interested. Don't neccessarily give 100%, as then you'll have nothing left for yourself. Make your own life outside of a relationship, as 100% commiting to one, can lead to unstability. Try to find some stable ground with your life, namely, yourself.

  11. A good way to raise self-esteem is to try to get her to believe in herself. There are books that can help with self-esteem or courses she could take to raise it (if she has time). I suggest try to re-affirm her that she can do stuff well and be supportive in decisions she makes and things she does. Just a start, but hope it helps.

  12. Why do you want to kill yourself? I am sure there are good reasons for you to stay, if you look. Have you thought about this a lot? If you have, then I suggest therapy. Life isn't just boring, or sad, it can be those, but there are happy moments that exist and reasons to live. I'm sure of it.

  13. I should have specified; the double date would be with my friend and 2 other girls I don't know. It's not with the girl I asked out, though. My friend is going with a girl, and she decided it seems to bring someone along, so he thought the same line.

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