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  • Olivia Sanders
    Olivia Sanders

    Opening Up About Taboo Topics: Seeking Help and Support During Difficult Conversations

    No one wants to talk about taboo topics. We all want to shy away from even the thought of discussing them. It takes a lot of courage, strength, and vulnerability to open up. And with good reason – it can be uncomfortable and scary to talk about something that people might find shocking, strange or embarrassing.

    Sometimes people don’t realize the importance of opening up about their struggles until it's too late. Difficult conversations have the potential to bring about clarity and transformation; however, this doesn’t always happen without some guidance. No matter how uncomfortable it feels, talking about sensitive subjects is an important step to seeking help and support.

    The first step in opening up is to ensure that you have a safe space to do so. This can be with a close friend, family member, therapist or spiritual advisor. Make sure that they are someone you trust and feel comfortable with. It’s crucial to create an atmosphere where you can openly and honestly express yourself without fear of judgement.

    It can be difficult to know how to start the conversation. Often we shy away from bringing up topics that make us feel vulnerable or embarrassed. Try to focus on the facts rather than your feelings surrounding the topic at hand. For instance, instead of saying ‘I feel ashamed about my addiction’ you could try saying ‘I have been struggling with an addiction’. This way you can still express your concerns without getting into the depths of what you’re feeling.

    Be mindful of your body language as well. If you’re uncomfortable or anxious about talking, it’s likely your body language is reflecting this. Try to relax your posture, take deep slow breaths and focus on slowing down your speech. Taking pauses in between sentences can also help to break down the conversation and make it easier to digest.

    It is important to be understanding and patient with yourself as you are reaching out for help and support. Don’t give up if the conversation doesn’t go as planned. It can be hard to discuss sensitive topics, even with someone you trust. Acknowledge your own feelings without shame and be willing to discuss the limitations of each conversation.

    Finally, remember that everyone is on their own individual journey. It takes courage and bravery to open up and reach out for help. Have faith in yourself and trust that things will get better. Whether it’s in steps or leaps, take solace in the fact that you are taking control of your narrative and starting to seek what you need.

    Talking about taboo topics can be daunting and intimidating, but it doesn’t have to be. With a little bit of self-compassion and understanding, you can create a safe and supportive environment to share your story. Allow yourself space to explore and express the truths of your experience, and reach out for help when needed. With time and patience, together you can work through life’s difficult conversations.

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