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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    Gaining Perspective Through Therapy for Mental Illness

    Mental illness can be a difficult hurdle to overcome, and all too often the path towards wellness is clouded by a lack of perspective. Feelings of despair, confusion, and hopelessness can lead people to feel unable to cope or comprehend their current situation. In such cases, good therapy can play an invaluable role in helping individuals gain perspective from their thoughts and emotions, enabling them to make progress towards a brighter future.

    When our emotions control our thinking patterns, it can be hard to rise above the difficulties that we face. Thoughts ruminate in circles, trapping us in a state of near-total paralysis. It seems impossible to take a step back and view our lives objectively. This is where therapy can make all the difference – offering an alternative non-judgmental environment within which it is possible to consider feelings and scenarios without any fear of stigma or criticism. Therapy with the right therapist can provide us with an opportunity to break away from the shackles of our own minds and gaze at our lives anew.

    One advantage of being in therapy is that it forces us to actively think about our circumstances and move away from survival mode into adapting for the future. Becoming more aware of ourselves allows us to identify our triggers so that when difficult times come along, we can begin to pick out patterns in our behaviour and begin to change them. For example, a person battling depression could benefit from understanding the various behavioural choices they have available that can contribute positively to their emotional well-being, such as altering their diet, exercising regularly and introducing mindfulness practices into their life. These crucial changes cannot be brought about until a person can identify the actions which are having an impact on their wellbeing.

    Therapy also has the capacity to bring about greater understanding of how personal relationships affect our emotional state, enabling us to develop new coping strategies that may help unload previously detrimental patterns. For instance, if somebody discovers they are prone to feelings of anger or despair around certain people or in certain situations, they can work through any associated issues in therapy so that they can move forward in a more constructive manner. Having spent time understanding why such emotions have been arising and devising ways to manage them better, individuals can often find it easier to deal effectively with stressors.

    When therapy is combined with relapse prevention strategies, the overall impact on wellbeing can be dramatic. Problems seem more manageable when broken down into smaller digestible pieces; enabling patients to stay focused on the progress they have made and feel more confident in achieving success in the future.

    As with any form of treatment or recovery process, patience is essential. Therapy is a process that takes time and effort, but many people will at to its ability to revolutionise their lives for the better. With greater insight into their lives, perceptions can shift entirely and allow a person's mental health to blossom once more. As such, finding quality help is essential if a person hopes to not simply survive but thrive again.

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