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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    10 Ways Hypnotherapy Can Help With Anxiety Relief

    Key Takeaways:

    • Effective anxiety relief method
    • Identifies and manages triggers
    • Promotes deep relaxation
    • Reframes negative thoughts
    • Enhances coping skills

    In a world where stress and anxiety are becoming increasingly prevalent, many individuals are seeking alternative therapies to find relief. One such approach is hypnotherapy, a technique that utilizes the power of suggestion to bring about positive changes in the mind and body. If you've ever wondered how a hypnotherapy therapist can help with anxiety, this article will provide you with valuable insights and practical advice.

    Hypnotherapy, often misunderstood and surrounded by myths, is a scientifically-backed therapy that can be remarkably effective for various mental health issues, especially anxiety. Unlike the sensationalized portrayals in movies, therapeutic hypnosis is a safe and collaborative process between the therapist and the client. It involves a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and deep relaxation.

    Imagine a tool that allows you to tap into the subconscious mind, where many of your anxieties and fears reside. Hypnotherapy offers just that. By addressing the root causes of anxiety and utilizing powerful suggestions, a hypnotherapy therapist can help you develop healthier thought patterns and coping mechanisms. This transformative therapy can bring about profound changes in your emotional well-being.

    In this article, we will delve into the specifics of how hypnotherapy can assist in alleviating anxiety. We will explore the mechanisms behind this therapy, provide practical tips on how it can be used effectively, and share real-life success stories. Whether you are new to the concept or have considered hypnotherapy before, this comprehensive guide will equip you with the knowledge you need to make an informed decision.

    By the end of this article, you will have a clearer understanding of what hypnotherapy is, how it works, and why it might be the right choice for you or someone you know struggling with anxiety. So, let's embark on this journey of discovery and learn how hypnotherapy can pave the way to a calmer, more balanced life.

    Understanding Anxiety

    Anxiety is a common mental health condition that affects millions of people worldwide. It is characterized by persistent feelings of worry, fear, and unease, often accompanied by physical symptoms such as increased heart rate, sweating, and muscle tension. While occasional anxiety is a normal response to stress, chronic anxiety can significantly impact one's quality of life.

    One of the key aspects of managing anxiety is understanding its underlying causes. Anxiety can stem from various sources, including genetics, brain chemistry, personality, and life events. For some individuals, it may be triggered by specific situations or environments, while for others, it might be a constant presence with no apparent cause.

    Psychological theories suggest that anxiety is closely linked to the fight-or-flight response, a survival mechanism that prepares the body to respond to perceived threats. When this response is triggered unnecessarily or too frequently, it can lead to chronic anxiety. Cognitive-behavioral theories, on the other hand, emphasize the role of negative thought patterns and beliefs in perpetuating anxiety.

    Hypnotherapy can be particularly effective in addressing the cognitive and emotional aspects of anxiety. By guiding individuals into a relaxed state, a hypnotherapy therapist can help them access their subconscious mind and identify the root causes of their anxiety. This process often involves uncovering and reframing negative thoughts and beliefs that contribute to anxious feelings.

    Additionally, hypnotherapy can teach individuals relaxation techniques that are crucial for managing anxiety. Deep relaxation not only helps in reducing the immediate symptoms of anxiety but also strengthens the body's ability to cope with stress in the long term. Techniques such as progressive muscle relaxation, guided imagery, and breathing exercises are commonly used in hypnotherapy sessions.

    Understanding anxiety is the first step towards managing it effectively. With the insights gained from hypnotherapy, individuals can develop a better awareness of their triggers and responses, empowering them to take control of their mental health. In the following sections, we will explore specific ways in which hypnotherapy can be used to alleviate anxiety and improve overall well-being.

    How Hypnotherapy Works

    hypnotherapy session

    Hypnotherapy works by inducing a state of focused attention and heightened suggestibility, often referred to as a trance. During this state, individuals are more open to suggestions and can access parts of their mind that are not easily reachable in a normal waking state. The process begins with the hypnotherapy therapist guiding the patient into relaxation through various techniques such as deep breathing and visualization.

    Once the patient is in a relaxed state, the therapist may use a series of carefully crafted suggestions to help address specific issues. These suggestions are designed to alter the patient's thoughts, feelings, and behaviors in a positive way. For instance, a therapist might suggest that the patient feels calm and in control when facing previously anxiety-inducing situations.

    One of the key aspects of hypnotherapy is its ability to bypass the critical, conscious mind and communicate directly with the subconscious. This allows for the exploration of deeply rooted beliefs and emotions that may be contributing to anxiety. By accessing the subconscious, the therapist can help the patient reframe negative thoughts and replace them with more positive, empowering ones.

    It's important to note that hypnotherapy is a collaborative process. The patient must be willing to participate and follow the therapist's guidance. Contrary to popular belief, individuals cannot be hypnotized against their will, nor can they be made to do things that go against their values or beliefs. The effectiveness of hypnotherapy largely depends on the patient's openness and readiness to change.

    Hypnotherapy offers a safe and effective way to address anxiety by tapping into the power of the subconscious mind. With the right guidance from a skilled hypnotherapy therapist, patients can achieve lasting changes in their mental and emotional well-being.

    1. Identifying Triggers

    One of the first steps in using hypnotherapy to manage anxiety is identifying the triggers that cause anxious feelings. Triggers can be specific situations, people, or environments that provoke anxiety responses. By understanding these triggers, individuals can begin to develop strategies to manage their reactions effectively.

    During a hypnotherapy session, the therapist may use various techniques to help the patient identify their triggers. This could involve guided visualization, where the patient is asked to recall situations that caused anxiety and explore their thoughts and feelings in those moments. Through this process, patients can gain a deeper understanding of what triggers their anxiety.

    Identifying triggers is crucial because it allows individuals to anticipate and prepare for anxiety-inducing situations. With the therapist's guidance, patients can learn to recognize early signs of anxiety and implement coping mechanisms before the anxiety escalates. This proactive approach can significantly reduce the impact of anxiety on their daily lives.

    In some cases, triggers may not be immediately apparent. Hypnotherapy can help uncover hidden triggers that are rooted in past experiences or subconscious beliefs. By bringing these hidden triggers to light, patients can address and resolve underlying issues that contribute to their anxiety.

    Additionally, understanding triggers can empower individuals to make positive changes in their environment and lifestyle. For example, if social situations trigger anxiety, patients can work on building social skills and confidence through hypnotherapy. This targeted approach can lead to more effective and lasting results.

    Identifying triggers is a foundational step in managing anxiety through hypnotherapy. By gaining insight into what causes their anxiety, individuals can take control of their mental health and develop strategies to live a more balanced and fulfilling life.

    2. Deep Relaxation Techniques

    deep relaxation

    Deep relaxation is a cornerstone of hypnotherapy, providing the foundation for effective treatment. By guiding patients into a state of profound relaxation, therapists can help reduce anxiety and create a receptive mental state for positive suggestions. This section will explore various deep relaxation techniques used in hypnotherapy sessions.

    One of the most common techniques is progressive muscle relaxation. This method involves tensing and then slowly releasing different muscle groups in the body. By doing so, patients can become more aware of physical tension and learn to release it, promoting a sense of calm and relaxation. This technique is particularly effective for individuals who experience physical symptoms of anxiety, such as muscle tension and headaches.

    Another powerful relaxation technique is guided imagery. This involves the therapist guiding the patient to visualize peaceful and calming scenes, such as a serene beach or a tranquil forest. These mental images can help shift the patient's focus away from anxiety-provoking thoughts and induce a state of relaxation. Guided imagery leverages the mind-body connection, allowing the patient to experience the calming effects as if they were physically in the imagined place.

    Breathing exercises are also fundamental in achieving deep relaxation. Techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing, where patients focus on deep, slow breaths from the diaphragm, can help activate the body's relaxation response. By regulating their breathing, patients can reduce stress hormones and promote a sense of calm. These exercises can be easily practiced both during and outside of hypnotherapy sessions.

    Finally, hypnosis scripts tailored to induce deep relaxation are often used. These scripts, read by the therapist, guide the patient through a series of calming suggestions and imagery. The repetitive and soothing nature of the scripts helps deepen the state of relaxation, making the patient more open to therapeutic suggestions. Combined, these techniques create a powerful toolkit for managing anxiety and promoting mental well-being through hypnotherapy.

    3. Positive Visualization

    Positive visualization is a technique used in hypnotherapy to help individuals create mental images that foster positive emotions and outcomes. This method leverages the brain's natural tendency to respond to imagined scenarios as if they were real, making it a potent tool for managing anxiety and promoting mental health.

    The process of positive visualization begins with the therapist guiding the patient into a relaxed state, where they can more easily access their imagination. Once relaxed, the therapist helps the patient create vivid and detailed mental images of desired outcomes or calming scenarios. For example, a patient struggling with social anxiety might visualize themselves confidently interacting with others in a social setting.

    These positive visualizations can help rewire the brain's response to anxiety-provoking situations. By repeatedly imagining successful and calm outcomes, the brain begins to associate these scenarios with positive feelings rather than fear and anxiety. This technique can be particularly effective for individuals who experience anticipatory anxiety, where the fear of a future event causes distress.

    Research has shown that visualization can significantly impact the brain's neural pathways. Dr. Joe Dispenza, a well-known expert in neuroscience and author of "Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself," states, "Your brain doesn't know the difference between the real-life event and what you imagine. Visualization helps create new neural circuits that support desired behaviors and emotions."

    Positive visualization can also enhance motivation and confidence. When individuals see themselves succeeding in their mind's eye, they are more likely to believe in their ability to achieve those outcomes in reality. This boost in self-efficacy can be incredibly empowering and help reduce anxiety levels.

    In addition to its mental benefits, positive visualization can also have physical effects. Visualizing calm and peaceful scenarios can trigger the body's relaxation response, reducing stress hormones and promoting a sense of well-being. This holistic approach addresses both the mind and body, making it a comprehensive tool for anxiety management.

    Positive visualization is a versatile and effective technique within hypnotherapy. By harnessing the power of the imagination, individuals can transform their anxiety into confidence and calmness, paving the way for a healthier, more balanced life.

    4. Reframing Negative Thoughts

    Reframing negative thoughts is a critical aspect of hypnotherapy, aiming to alter the way individuals perceive and respond to anxiety-inducing situations. This cognitive technique involves identifying and challenging distorted thinking patterns and replacing them with more positive and realistic ones.

    During a hypnotherapy session, the therapist guides the patient into a state of deep relaxation, making it easier to access the subconscious mind where these negative thoughts often reside. Through targeted suggestions, the therapist helps the patient recognize automatic negative thoughts that contribute to their anxiety. This awareness is the first step towards change.

    Once these negative thoughts are identified, the therapist works with the patient to reframe them. For example, a patient who frequently thinks, "I can't handle this situation," might be guided to reframe it as, "I have the skills and resources to manage this situation." This shift in perspective can significantly reduce anxiety and build resilience.

    Reframing negative thoughts is not just about thinking positively; it's about developing a more balanced and constructive way of thinking. It encourages individuals to question the validity of their negative beliefs and consider alternative viewpoints. This process can lead to a profound change in how they perceive and react to stressors.

    By regularly practicing this technique, individuals can create new, healthier neural pathways in the brain. Over time, these positive thought patterns can become more automatic, helping to reduce overall anxiety levels and improve mental well-being. Reframing negative thoughts through hypnotherapy is a powerful tool for anyone looking to overcome anxiety and lead a more positive life.

    5. Building Confidence

    Building confidence is another essential goal of hypnotherapy, particularly for those struggling with anxiety. Confidence can significantly impact how individuals face challenges and interact with the world. Hypnotherapy offers a unique approach to boosting self-confidence by addressing the subconscious mind.

    During hypnotherapy sessions, therapists often use positive affirmations and visualization techniques to help patients build a stronger sense of self-worth. These affirmations are carefully tailored to the individual's needs and repeated in a relaxed state, making them more likely to be absorbed by the subconscious mind. Over time, these positive messages can replace self-doubt and insecurity.

    Visualization plays a crucial role in building confidence. Patients are guided to imagine themselves succeeding in various situations, such as speaking confidently in public or handling a challenging task at work. These visualizations help create a mental blueprint for success, making it easier for individuals to believe in their abilities.

    Another aspect of building confidence through hypnotherapy is addressing past experiences that may have undermined self-esteem. By revisiting these memories in a safe and controlled environment, individuals can reframe their understanding of these events and release negative emotions associated with them. This process helps to heal past wounds and fosters a more positive self-image.

    Ultimately, building confidence through hypnotherapy empowers individuals to take on new challenges and pursue their goals with a sense of assurance and determination. This newfound confidence can lead to improved performance in various areas of life, from personal relationships to professional endeavors, contributing to overall mental well-being and life satisfaction.

    6. Enhancing Coping Mechanisms

    Enhancing coping mechanisms is a vital component of hypnotherapy for managing anxiety. Effective coping strategies enable individuals to handle stress more constructively, reducing the overall impact of anxiety on their lives. Hypnotherapy provides a unique approach to strengthening these mechanisms by working directly with the subconscious mind.

    One of the primary ways hypnotherapy enhances coping mechanisms is through the teaching of relaxation techniques. By learning how to enter a state of deep relaxation, individuals can better manage their stress responses. This skill can be invaluable in high-pressure situations, allowing them to remain calm and composed.

    Hypnotherapy also focuses on building resilience by reinforcing positive behaviors and thought patterns. During sessions, the therapist may use affirmations and guided imagery to help the patient develop a more optimistic outlook and a stronger sense of self-efficacy. These positive reinforcements can make a significant difference in how they cope with challenges.

    Another aspect of enhancing coping mechanisms is the development of problem-solving skills. Hypnotherapy can help individuals approach problems with a clear and focused mind, allowing them to find effective solutions more easily. This proactive approach to problem-solving reduces feelings of helplessness and increases confidence in their ability to handle difficult situations.

    Finally, hypnotherapy can assist in identifying and addressing any maladaptive coping mechanisms that may be contributing to anxiety. By bringing these behaviors to light, individuals can work with their therapist to replace them with healthier, more constructive strategies. This shift can lead to more effective management of anxiety and an overall improvement in mental health.

    7. Managing Panic Attacks

    Managing panic attacks is a critical area where hypnotherapy can offer significant benefits. Panic attacks are intense episodes of fear and anxiety that can be overwhelming and debilitating. Hypnotherapy provides tools and techniques to help individuals regain control during these episodes and reduce their frequency and severity.

    One of the first steps in managing panic attacks through hypnotherapy is understanding the triggers and early signs. By identifying what precipitates a panic attack, individuals can take proactive steps to mitigate their impact. The therapist may use guided exploration to help the patient uncover these triggers and develop a plan to address them.

    During a hypnotherapy session, the therapist might teach specific breathing techniques to help manage the physical symptoms of a panic attack. Techniques such as diaphragmatic breathing can slow the heart rate and reduce hyperventilation, making it easier to regain a sense of calm. These breathing exercises can be practiced regularly to prepare for potential panic attacks.

    Visualization is another powerful tool used in hypnotherapy to manage panic attacks. Patients are guided to visualize themselves handling a panic attack with confidence and control. By repeatedly imagining these successful scenarios, they can build a mental framework that supports calmness during real-life episodes.

    Hypnotherapy can also help individuals challenge and reframe the thoughts that contribute to panic attacks. Negative and catastrophic thinking patterns often play a significant role in the onset of a panic attack. Through hypnosis, patients can learn to recognize these thoughts and replace them with more rational and calming alternatives.

    Finally, hypnotherapy aims to build long-term resilience against panic attacks. By reinforcing positive coping strategies and reducing overall anxiety levels, individuals can decrease the likelihood of experiencing panic attacks. This comprehensive approach not only addresses the immediate symptoms but also promotes lasting mental well-being.

    8. Improving Sleep Quality

    Improving sleep quality is a crucial aspect of managing anxiety, as poor sleep can exacerbate anxiety symptoms. Hypnotherapy offers effective techniques to help individuals achieve better, more restful sleep by addressing both the mental and physical barriers to good sleep.

    One of the primary methods used in hypnotherapy to improve sleep quality is progressive muscle relaxation. By guiding patients to tense and then release different muscle groups, therapists help them enter a state of physical relaxation conducive to sleep. This technique can be especially helpful for those who struggle with physical tension and restlessness at night.

    Hypnotherapy also utilizes guided imagery to create a calm and serene mental environment, promoting a peaceful transition to sleep. Patients are encouraged to visualize soothing scenes, such as a quiet beach or a peaceful forest, which can help shift their focus away from anxiety-provoking thoughts and towards relaxation.

    Addressing negative thought patterns related to sleep is another critical component. Hypnotherapists work with patients to identify and reframe thoughts such as "I’ll never be able to sleep" or "I always wake up feeling tired." Replacing these with positive affirmations can reduce anxiety around sleep and promote a more restful night.

    Additionally, hypnotherapy sessions often include suggestions for establishing a healthy sleep routine. This might involve setting a regular sleep schedule, creating a relaxing bedtime routine, and reducing screen time before bed. These practical steps, reinforced through hypnosis, can significantly improve sleep quality and, consequently, reduce anxiety levels.

    9. Long-term Anxiety Management

    Long-term anxiety management through hypnotherapy focuses on creating sustainable strategies for maintaining mental well-being over time. This comprehensive approach includes various techniques that address both immediate anxiety symptoms and underlying issues.

    One of the foundational elements of long-term anxiety management is the continued practice of relaxation techniques learned during hypnotherapy sessions. Regularly engaging in practices such as deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery helps maintain a state of calm and resilience against stress.

    Another crucial aspect is the development of a positive mindset. Hypnotherapy can help individuals cultivate a more optimistic outlook by regularly reinforcing positive affirmations and visualizations. This shift in mindset can significantly reduce overall anxiety levels and improve quality of life.

    Hypnotherapy also emphasizes the importance of regular self-reflection and mindfulness. Patients are encouraged to take time to check in with themselves, recognize early signs of anxiety, and apply the techniques they have learned to manage it. This proactive approach can prevent anxiety from escalating and ensure better long-term outcomes.

    Maintaining healthy lifestyle habits is another key component of long-term anxiety management. Hypnotherapy can support individuals in making positive changes, such as engaging in regular physical activity, eating a balanced diet, and getting adequate sleep. These lifestyle factors play a significant role in overall mental health and resilience against anxiety.

    Building a support network is also vital for long-term anxiety management. Hypnotherapy can help individuals develop stronger relationships with friends, family, and support groups, providing a valuable source of encouragement and assistance. This sense of connection can be a powerful buffer against anxiety.

    Finally, continuing hypnotherapy sessions as needed can provide ongoing support and reinforcement of positive changes. Periodic check-ins with a therapist can help individuals stay on track, address any new challenges, and further refine their coping strategies. This ongoing support ensures that the benefits of hypnotherapy are maintained and even enhanced over time.

    10. Combining Hypnotherapy with Other Therapies

    Combining hypnotherapy with other therapeutic approaches can enhance the effectiveness of treatment for anxiety and other mental health issues. This integrative approach leverages the strengths of different therapies to provide a comprehensive and holistic treatment plan.

    Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is one of the most commonly combined therapies with hypnotherapy. While CBT focuses on changing negative thought patterns and behaviors, hypnotherapy can facilitate these changes by addressing the subconscious mind. Together, these therapies can help individuals achieve deeper and more lasting improvements in their mental health.

    Mindfulness-based therapies also complement hypnotherapy well. Mindfulness practices teach individuals to stay present and reduce the impact of stressors, while hypnotherapy can enhance these practices by promoting relaxation and reinforcing positive thought patterns. This combination can be particularly effective in managing chronic anxiety and stress.

    Exposure therapy, which involves gradually confronting and desensitizing fears, can be augmented by hypnotherapy. Hypnotherapy can help individuals stay calm and focused during exposure sessions, making it easier to confront and overcome their fears. This combination can lead to more successful outcomes in treating phobias and panic disorders.

    Additionally, hypnotherapy can be integrated with medication management. For individuals taking medication for anxiety, hypnotherapy can help manage side effects and enhance the overall effectiveness of the treatment. By promoting relaxation and reducing anxiety levels, hypnotherapy can make it easier for individuals to adhere to their medication regimen.

    Overall, combining hypnotherapy with other therapies provides a more robust and versatile treatment approach. It allows for a tailored plan that addresses both the conscious and subconscious aspects of anxiety, leading to more comprehensive and lasting improvements in mental health.

    Real-life Success Stories

    Real-life success stories highlight the transformative power of hypnotherapy in managing anxiety and improving overall mental health. These stories provide insight into the practical benefits of hypnotherapy and how it can make a significant difference in individuals' lives.

    One success story involves a young woman named Sarah, who struggled with severe social anxiety. Despite trying various therapies, her anxiety persisted. After a few sessions of hypnotherapy, Sarah began to notice significant improvements. Through guided relaxation and positive visualizations, she learned to manage her anxiety and eventually felt confident enough to engage in social situations without fear.

    Another inspiring story is that of John, a middle-aged man who suffered from chronic insomnia due to anxiety. Traditional treatments offered limited relief, but hypnotherapy provided a breakthrough. By learning deep relaxation techniques and reframing his negative thoughts about sleep, John was able to achieve restful nights and significantly reduce his anxiety levels.

    Emily, a professional facing work-related stress, found relief through hypnotherapy as well. Her sessions focused on building confidence and resilience, helping her manage stress more effectively. Emily's newfound coping mechanisms not only improved her mental health but also enhanced her performance at work, leading to a promotion.

    These real-life examples demonstrate the diverse applications and effectiveness of hypnotherapy. From overcoming social anxiety to managing chronic stress and insomnia, hypnotherapy has helped many individuals lead happier, healthier lives. These success stories offer hope and motivation for those considering hypnotherapy as a treatment option.


    Hypnotherapy stands out as a powerful and effective tool for managing anxiety, offering a unique approach that targets both the conscious and subconscious mind. Through techniques such as deep relaxation, positive visualization, and reframing negative thoughts, individuals can gain greater control over their anxiety and improve their overall mental well-being.

    The benefits of hypnotherapy extend beyond immediate anxiety relief. By enhancing coping mechanisms and building confidence, it equips individuals with the skills they need to face future challenges with resilience and calmness. The techniques learned in hypnotherapy can be applied in various aspects of life, fostering long-term mental health and stability.

    Combining hypnotherapy with other therapeutic approaches, such as CBT and mindfulness, can further enhance its effectiveness. This integrative strategy provides a comprehensive treatment plan that addresses the multifaceted nature of anxiety, leading to more significant and lasting improvements.

    Real-life success stories highlight the transformative impact of hypnotherapy, showcasing how individuals have overcome severe anxiety, insomnia, and work-related stress. These stories serve as a testament to the potential of hypnotherapy to change lives and offer hope to those seeking alternative treatments.

    Ultimately, hypnotherapy is not a one-size-fits-all solution, but rather a personalized and adaptable approach. Its success depends on the individual's willingness to engage in the process and the skill of the therapist. For those open to exploring this path, hypnotherapy can be a valuable addition to their mental health toolkit.

    As more people become aware of the benefits of hypnotherapy, it continues to gain recognition as a viable and effective treatment for anxiety. Whether used alone or in combination with other therapies, hypnotherapy offers a holistic approach to achieving mental well-being and a more balanced life.


    What is hypnotherapy?
    Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that uses guided relaxation, intense concentration, and focused attention to achieve a heightened state of awareness, often referred to as a trance. In this state, individuals can explore their thoughts and feelings more deeply and are more open to positive suggestions.

    Is hypnotherapy safe?
    Yes, hypnotherapy is considered safe when conducted by a trained and licensed therapist. It is a collaborative process, and individuals cannot be made to do anything against their will. The therapist guides the process, but the individual remains in control throughout the session.

    How many sessions of hypnotherapy are needed?
    The number of sessions required can vary depending on the individual and the specific issues being addressed. Some people may experience significant improvements after just a few sessions, while others might benefit from a more extended treatment plan. Your therapist can provide a better estimate based on your needs.

    Can hypnotherapy help with other issues besides anxiety?
    Yes, hypnotherapy can be used to address a wide range of issues, including stress, phobias, insomnia, pain management, smoking cessation, and weight loss. Its versatility makes it a valuable tool for various mental and physical health concerns.

    What should I expect during a hypnotherapy session?
    During a hypnotherapy session, you can expect to be guided into a state of deep relaxation by your therapist. This may involve focused breathing, visualization, or progressive muscle relaxation. Once in this relaxed state, the therapist will use positive suggestions and therapeutic techniques to address your specific concerns.

    Recommended Resources

    • "Hypnotherapy for Health, Harmony, and Peak Performance" by Dr. Catherine Walters
    • "The New Hypnotherapy Handbook: Hypnosis and Mind/Body Healing" by Dr. Kevin Hogan
    • "Trancework: An Introduction to the Practice of Clinical Hypnosis" by Michael D. Yapko

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