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  • Natalie Garcia
    Natalie Garcia

    How Work Friendships are Essential for Your Well-Being

    Friendships are essential to our well-being and our health. When the people around us care about and support us, we are less likely to feel lonely and isolated. When better to cultivate meaningful relationships with colleagues than when we work together? The camaraderie of peers can add to our overall sense of satisfaction with life, and it is dubbed ‘the friendship advantage'. The workplace and workspace can provide a professional and fulfilling atmosphere where coworkers can become friends, but there is also an opportunity to grow, challenge each other and collaborate.

    Having strong connections with our colleagues has been shown to be good for our mental and physical health. Studies have shown that workers with friendships at work are more likely to stick to their job and commit to their position, as opposed to people who don't. When we have friends at work, it is easier to get through the stress that comes with the job and find ways to cope. Engaging in social activities with coworkers also reduces stress levels, as having someone to share your burdens with can be very comforting. It impacts our emotional health by making us feel more balanced and secure.

    Having safe and positive relationships with coworkers that you can rely on can help reduce depression and make the workplace friendly and comfortable. Just the act of having someone to talk to can make all the difference in the world. Having someone to vent to or just get a listening ear can help us feel heard and supported.

    Making friends at work can also help build a sense of loyalty and trust with your co-workers. Good bonds between colleagues makes people feel included, acknowledged and accepted. People tend to work more efficiently when they feel part of a team, as if they were ‘in it together'.

    At times, it is possible to make friendships with those of the opposite sex in a work environment. Though these relationships may be platonic, some individuals are more interested in developing more intimate links. In these cases, it is best to set boundaries upfront so that everyone is on the same page and comfortable.

    Friendships form a social bond, stronger than any other type. Work friends give us comfort and make us feel valued. They understand our working style and can support us in terms of goals and plans, which is particularly crucial in a job environment. Friendships in the workplace can facilitate professional development, often through mentoring and advice. Friendships provide meaning and connection, creating a sense of belonging and helping with career progression in the long term.

    It can be effortless to develop strong work relationships and maintain them, while others may take time to foster. It is essential to create quality conversations where both co-workers enjoy themselves and appreciate each other. Open communication and shared interests are both crucial ingredients for successful friendships. As a result, one can expect more job satisfaction from having good relationships with their colleagues.

    We all need an emotional connection to thrive and so does the workplace. This can be achieved through work friends and making sure to keep in touch regularly to stay connected, even after leaving the job. From increased productivity to smoother interactions between co-workers and higher employee satisfaction, it is obvious that work friends are crucial for our health.

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