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  • Paula Thompson
    Paula Thompson

    How to Handle Strong Feelings for a Friend Who Isn't Interested

    I have a guy friend that I have been getting to know for a couple of months now and I think I'm developing feelings for him. He has been clear that he just wants to be friends and that he isn't looking for anything more. But I can't help but feel like there's something more between us, when I'm around him I get butterflies in my stomach and I have a hard time not blushing when I'm around him. How do I deal with these feelings?

    It sounds like you're feeling confused and overwhelmed about your growing feelings for a platonic friend. It's important for you to understand what emotions you're experiencing, so here is some expert advice from someone who has gone through this before.

    First, remember that it's okay to feel this way. Attraction is often natural, and it doesn't always follow our expectations or our desired pathways. It can be frustrating when you start having romantic feelings for someone and they are not reciprocated. When faced with a situation such as this, it is important to remember that your feelings are valid.

    Allow yourself to process these feelings and voice them if you feel comfortable doing so. Have a conversation with your friend and let them know that while you are happy being their friend, you're also aware of other feelings stirring within you. This allows you to differentiate the friendship and make sure everyone is still on the same page with what they are comfortable with.

    You should also strive to give yourself ample time to work through your feelings. If it helps, find creative ways to express yourself, whether through journaling, art, or anything else where you can explore your emotions. Allow yourself to take the time that you need to process what you're feeling without judgement.

    If you do find yourself dwelling on these feelings and unable to fully move past them, it might be helpful to reach out for additional support. Consider talking to a mental health professional or even seeking the guidance of a close friend or family member. Processing your emotions can be an incredibly difficult journey, and sometimes having an extra support system to rely on makes all the difference.

    How you choose to handle this situation is up to you. You deserve to be surrounded by people that make you feel safe and happy, and if your feelings go unreciprocated then that may not be the best situation for you. It's okay to take your time to reflecting on what would be the best course of action for you so that you can live your best life.

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