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  • Steven Robinson
    Steven Robinson

    How Can I Repair Friendship That Is Going Downhill?

    Dear eNotAlone: My best friend of several years seems to have slowly started losing interest in our friendship. We used to talk almost every day, text each other from time to time and hang out together, but recently all of that has stopped. We don't even talk on the phone anymore; instead it feels like any time we do communicate, it's over a text, some email or other form of instant communication. I just don't understand what could have happened. I value our relationship and cherish it, but it feels like they simply don't care anymore! Is there something I can do or say to repair our friendship before it's too late? Should I just accept that they're not interested in being friends anymore and move on? Please, give me advice on what I should do.

    * * *

    When a friendship seems to be going downhill it can be extremely frustrating and heartbreaking, but it's important to try to remain rational and approach the situation with an open mind. All relationships face difficulties, and when this happens it's important to take a step back and try to get to the root of the issue.

    Communication is key – having an honest conversation about your feelings with your friend and opening up about the changes you've noticed will help you both come to an understanding. If it hasn't already been done, it's essential to outline what specific things make your friendship valuable for each of you. By making a conscious effort to talk to each other, it becomes much easier to address disagreements and identify any underlying issues that need to be discussed.

    The power of actions can often often speak louder than words. You can start to rebuild your friendship through small gestures – sending them a funny meme or article that you think they'd enjoy, or inviting them out to lunch and actually spending time together without the aid of technology. Even further, dedicating your time to helping them out with any other problems in their life that may be causing strain will show them how committed you are to your friendship and might open up more space for conversation.

    It can be difficult to stay level-headed when a friendship is strained or deteriorating. But although it's natural to want to avoid confrontation and preserve your comfort zone, having courage and working to bridge the growing gap between you and your friend is often the best option. Hopefully with a bit of effort, communication and insight, the relationship can be saved.

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